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several symptoms - mucus, eyelid twitching, numbness in fingers, clogged ears

I have several symptoms that are independent of one another. I constantly have thick, colorless mucus that runs down my throat and I have to expectorate often to be able to speak. Two of my fingers - the pinky finger and half of the ring finger - go numb at night (both hands), usually when I have them bent in the elbows, or when I sleep on my back and have my hands on my chest (I think the cause is the elbows - nerve?). Moving my fingers helps or I have to massage hands, after that there is no pins and needles. I tried exercises but they didnt help. My eyelid often twitches (once the left, once the right). It looks like small spasms. My head often tingles. Sometimes left sometimes right side. It’s a strange feeling. And lastly, my ears get clogged (I dont know if its the ears, but thats the impression) .My left ear gets clogged, lasts a second, then it unclogs and suddenly the other ear does the same. Sometimes the other way round, i.e. it starts from the right ear. Im a bit confused by this. Is there anything I can do about it?
  Anitka on 2024-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can try Lac caninum 200 one dose only.
You may also check for vitamin D and B1 deficiency in any reputed lab.
Not a doc1 4 months ago
Thank you. I have Lac caninum 200. I will take it today. Vitamins D and B (natural source - yeast) I have been taken regularly for several years.
Anitka 4 months ago
Ok. Update if there is any development.
Not a doc1 4 months ago

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