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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Desperate for help- GERD for many years-facing surgery

I have been reading over the posts on this forum a few times over the past few months..it seems like such a friendly and helpful place.
My story:
I am a 21 y/o female, I'm 5'1- 115 lbs. I have had GERD for over 5 years and have been treated by doctors with lots of medication that always stops working. I have been on all PPI's and OTC antacids. Currently I am takin 40mg Nexium and Zantac 75 at night or 2x a day.
I've had 2 upper endoscopies done and both were negative for H. Pylori, no ulcers, but I did have one polyp.
I have altered my diet this past month to a very strict Candida diet (no sugar, no yeast, no fungus, avoiding milk-soy instead) because of suspition of an overgrowth.
Last week I was okay, and surprisingly had almost no reflux, gas or nausea. Now the past 2 days it is back ( i have cheated and been eating more sugar and some yeast). I am getting terrible gas and reflux after I eat and sometimes when I dont eat.
I am very much into herbs and vitamins and am trying to figure out what I can do to heal myself and get off the PPI's.
I take:
multi vitamin, extra cal/magnesium, organic flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, ginger, aloe, DGL licorice root on occasion, chamomile tea 1-2x day.. I still have no longterm relief and my symptoms are worse at night.

Any help and advice is appreciated very much!
  bittersweet on 2006-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I just wanted to add, the GERD gets so severe that I can't eat and have lost 10lbs over this month. Sometimes nothing helps at all and it is so painful and nauseating.

I dont want surgery, but need to cure this to get my life back, I'm too young!
bittersweet last decade
Have you tried Nat Phos 6x?
Pat2006 last decade
No I havent..buy the pills I am guessing?
I have taken Nux Vomica and remember it not working, but they were granules and cant remember what dose it was. I was reading that Nat Phos can cause diarreah..I dont want to take something to make me lose anymore weight.
bittersweet last decade
To Bittersweet.

I was alerted to your post by Pat who was also suffering from similar symptoms to yours and is now on the road to recovery.

Please visit:


You may see the close paralled to your case which I posted a few minutes ago in the hope that those like you who read it will realize that the cure to your present ailment is not rocket science.

It is just that many suffer from Hyperacidity and after consulting MD's and they discover that unless they keep on taking the powerful drugs that are prescribed which are only designed to provide temporary relief, they do not cure the real reason for this gastric imbalance. The patient they returns to the MD who then prescribes more powerful drugs and also for good measure diagnoses the mind as the reason for the hyperacidity and prescribes the mind bending drugs that you can read of in the link I gave above. There are many more threads of a similar nature and I would like someone to list them out for this patient.

The remedy that will hopefully cure you is Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt. The dosage is 2 tablets taken after meals twice or in your case thrice daily.

I would also like you to use Arnica 30c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water from which a teaspoonful is sipped twice daily with the last dose just before you sleep.

Stop all other drugs you are now taking and report response on the day after you start on the Nat Phos 6x.
Joe De Livera last decade
I was appalled to note from the title of your post which I had not read at first that your MD's have suggested surgery for your problem.

Please do not ever consider surgery at your age of 21 years as this will be the beginning of the end of your young life.

There is absolutely nothing that surgery can do for you and I can boldly state that within a month your problem should resolve itself provided you follow my instructions.

Exercise is also an important aspect of the therapy and you are advised to do some gentle exercise daily to help with the disposal of the body wastes which occur by not only through the urine and bowel movements but also during breathing.

Drink plenty of water daily and do not use any canned or bottled sweet drinks and coffee. No preserved meats like sausages bacon and ham.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you very much Joe De Livera, I will order this Nat Phos 6x and Arnica. How many times do I take the Nat Phos?
Is Nat Phos meant to be taken forever once it works, or only for a period of time?
bittersweet last decade
oops sorry, over read the part about dosage..so Nat Phos 6x 2 tablets,three times daily after meals. Thanks I will order this and get back to you. I will also look into the Arnica.
bittersweet last decade
I would just like to add I picked up the arnica today at the health store-but I got the 30x tablets, they did not have Nat Phos so I will have to order it..but I did buy some Carbo Veg as well..I'm not sure if it will work but I heard it mentioned and thought I would give it a try too.
bittersweet last decade
I do not remember prescribing Arnica for you and note that you have got the 30x which is the equivalent of 15c and may just work for you like a tonic taken twice daily for 2 weeks and later just once every night.

Carbo Veg is a remedy that is often used for hyperacidity but in my experience it works only in a few cases while the Nat Phos 6x is instant.
Joe De Livera last decade

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