The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kindly suggest me a homeopath who can cure side effects or provings by homeopathic medicines
I am suffering from acidity by Acid Phos Q and some sexual symptoms caused by an unknown homeopathic medicine.I am in need of a homeopath who have successfully cured cases of homeopathic side effects/provings.
Anyone in the forum who knows such a doctor then plz suggest his/her name and how to contact them.
Thank You in Advance...
Sagar2701 on 2024-10-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are too acidic Try taking nat phos 6x 3 tabs twice a day for a week.
Also google non acidic forming foods and change your diet to mostly those foods for two weeks to rebalance the gut- which will eliminate the acidity-
Our gut ph balance has to be alkaline - problems happen if diet is too acidic and that has to be fixed with right food. For your other symptoms-it is often needed to retake the case with current symptoms and finding the remedy that matches them to cure them . You can email dr Jitesh Sharma , who has helped on here for years and he and his father have a homeopathic hospital in India.jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-16 17:11:39]
Also google non acidic forming foods and change your diet to mostly those foods for two weeks to rebalance the gut- which will eliminate the acidity-
Our gut ph balance has to be alkaline - problems happen if diet is too acidic and that has to be fixed with right food. For your other symptoms-it is often needed to retake the case with current symptoms and finding the remedy that matches them to cure them . You can email dr Jitesh Sharma , who has helped on here for years and he and his father have a homeopathic hospital in India.jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-16 17:11:39]
♡ simone717 4 months ago
Namaste sir /mam pls reply I am 17 yrs old a Divergent squint patient pls suggest me which medicine should help me for curing myself and in which potency and with dosage
rounak1 4 months ago
Hi Rounak,
Please do a new thread - otherwise things get confused. You can ask for Anuj or Healthy world to prescribe for you in your headline.
Please do a new thread - otherwise things get confused. You can ask for Anuj or Healthy world to prescribe for you in your headline.
♡ simone717 4 months ago
Thank you so much Simone717 for your reply. I have mailed the respective doctor with my case details. Also I would like to tell u that I have already tried Nat Phos 6x which caused me sleeplessness problem and then I had to stop taking it.
Thank you again
Keep helping people in the forum.
If you have anything crucial to share about curing homeopathic side effects/proving in the future then please do share with me.
[Edited by Sagar2701 on 2024-10-17 09:39:21]
Thank you again
Keep helping people in the forum.
If you have anything crucial to share about curing homeopathic side effects/proving in the future then please do share with me.
[Edited by Sagar2701 on 2024-10-17 09:39:21]
Sagar2701 4 months ago
Hi ,
When antidotes do not work, the case needs to be retaken. Except I have found with ppl having too much or too high nat mur. The side effect of proving nat mur is ppl are very out of their body and cannot function normally. I have advised these ppl to get a trained shiatsu or acupressure massage- You wear clothes and the spine is worked on. The ppl were back to normal by the end of the massage- This kind of body work is very beneficial to clear your system.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-17 14:50:25]
When antidotes do not work, the case needs to be retaken. Except I have found with ppl having too much or too high nat mur. The side effect of proving nat mur is ppl are very out of their body and cannot function normally. I have advised these ppl to get a trained shiatsu or acupressure massage- You wear clothes and the spine is worked on. The ppl were back to normal by the end of the massage- This kind of body work is very beneficial to clear your system.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-17 14:50:25]
♡ simone717 4 months ago
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