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Posts about Tinnitus, UTI

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Reoccurance of UTI with stomach upset and tinnitus

I am 37 diabetic type1 from past 16 years ,last year have sever jaundice hepatitus A which also demage my kidneys after getting better from jaundice i am facing urinary tract infection from 6 months on and off its keep reoccur and disturbing me causing me

Urine buring
Urine dribbling
Uring some times pain after passing
Urine drop by drop flow all day
Back pain
Stomach gas back side feel like fild with gas
Constipation also felt sometimes
Some times nausea
After passing stool weekness felt
Very loud and pressure type sound in ears felt like i am on motorbike and buzzing sound disturbing me kidnly suggest medicine
  EngineerFez on 2024-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For UTI-
This can be a mechanical problem bc of dribbling.
Start wearing an incontinence pad- If you keep the area dry it will probably stop happening. If you get the uti test strips you see that there is bacteria and the bacteria is almost 99 percent from contact with urethra .
This was happening often to some of my older relatives and once they wore a pad it stopped.
I have been on this forum for over 10 years- I have never seen one UTI case cured with homeopathy- And I have had homeopaths prescribe me 3x for uti- each time the remedy stopped pain but bacteria kept rising- So I had to eventually double the antibiotic use to cure it before it became a kidney infection.

For your gas, constipation etc someone can prescribe- but these are separate from UTI- which you have to check the bacteria growth with test strips and take antibiotics needed till gone- and start the pad use for prevention.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-30 18:37:13]
simone717 4 months ago

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