The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Debilitating headache and high BP after dialysis
Hi,Thanks for accepting me.
After dialysis, and now even all the time, I have a very painful headache at the back of my head that wont go no matter what I do or whatever my position. My life is hugely impacted due to this.
Heading is accompanied (or caused by, dont know) high blood pressure. Sometimes goes up to 200 but generally around 170/180.
Sometimes so painful that I vomit.
I read you often advice cell salts, or maybe another remedy could help me ?
I am 50yo female, 65kg. Clean diet, almost no sodium nor potassium intake and not much water, due to kidneys non functional anymore. Under dialysis since 10 years.
Blood tests, MRI, normal.
I think the BP and headache is due to dialysis, urea removed too quickly from the blood in brain area than in the rest of the body, dont know. Or sodium imbalance.
I dont know what to do since nothing can ease my pain :(
Thanks for reading my case. Take care of you all.
[Edited by Marion3 on 2024-10-31 01:00:51]
Marion3 on 2024-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
NAT MUR 6X,NAT PHOS 6X and KALI MUR 6X,five tabs of each three times a day.
In addition ADRENALINUM 6 ones a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-10-31 03:51:54]
In addition ADRENALINUM 6 ones a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-10-31 03:51:54]
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
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