The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Male Cat (6 yrs old) upper respiratory infection/asthma/bronchitis?
Hello!I hope you’re doing well! I’m reaching out about my cat, who has been dealing with an upper respiratory infection that’s been lingering for about two weeks. It started slowly—two weeks ago, he began vomiting, and I initially thought he might have a stomach blockage. However, the vet found mild inflammation in his lungs and suspected it could be a mild form of bronchitis or asthma.
He was prescribed steroids, and he seemed fine for a few days, but after that, he started sneezing a lot. The vet then prescribed antibiotics, and while there’s been some improvement, he’s still sneezing, his eyes are watery, and I can tell he’s having some difficulty breathing through his nose. His gums and mouth or more red. He’s still eating, drinking water, defecating, urinating but he is less energized. More sleepy. Tired during the day and a little energy in the morning and evening. He’s still quite picky with food probably because he can’t smell anything and cats rely on their scent to eat.
I’d love to explore any homeopathic options that could help support his recovery and overall comfort. Please let me know if you have any recommendations or need more information.
Thank you so much!
Siameseluv444 on 2024-12-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 2 months ago
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