The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Mouth fibrosis
I have osmf due to chewing tobacco and I am taking calcarea fluorica 6x should I also take thiosinaminum 3x or any other homeopathic medicine for it.[Edited by Manish15 on 2025-01-27 12:17:17]
Manish15 on 2025-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Should I use both thiosinaminum3x and calcarea fluorica 6x or any other homeopathic medicin my mouth mucous membrane lining has become whitish and fibrous band also present.Can these medicines eliminate fibrous tissue and bands?
[Edited by Manish15 on 2025-01-28 08:49:05]
[Edited by Manish15 on 2025-01-28 08:49:05]
Manish15 last month
Can these medicines eliminate fibrous tissue and bands?YES will take a couple of months.
In addition Kali Mur 6x three times a day.
In addition Kali Mur 6x three times a day.
♡ anuj srivastava last month
Sir what should be time gap amoung these bio-chemic medicins Thiosinaminum 3X,Kali Mur 6X and Calcarea Florica 6X and can be these tablets be taken with water.Sir,please also prescribe me their doses and also their timings and gap between the food and alcohol.
[Edited by Manish15 on 2025-02-27 14:10:45]
[Edited by Manish15 on 2025-02-27 14:10:45]
Manish15 4 days ago
2 to 4 tablets,four times daily.
KM and CF five tabs of each three times a day.
You can have them together.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
2 to 4 tablets,four times daily.
KM and CF five tabs of each three times a day.
You can have them together.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 days ago
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