The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Extreme clothing sensitivity, skin sensitivity, irritability, anger in 5 year old
Patient name: Esmeeage: 5
weight: unknown (tall and slender)
patient daily routine: wake at 8am, eat breakfast (sprouted oatmeal), dress and go to school. Home at noon for lunch, plays games and colors until dinner. Bed at 8:30pm.
Any sleep disorders or foul breath now? Occasional night waking with leg pain in shin bone extending to ankle and foot. Teeth grinding at night.
Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections now?: none
how long patient suffering from this problem? Since August 2024
Any fever or coughing now?: Yes, had pneumonia back in November and is better but cough lingers and sometimes gets worse. Worse from running/exertion.
what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have?: Pain in shin bones at night.
Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now? No
When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates?: Touch ameliorates, sleep ameliorates, eating ameliorates. Contradiction, interruption, rushing, milk aggravates.
do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? No
Any light sensitivity? No
Sweaty hands or feet ? No
Do you feel pronounced weakness in body? Weakness in legs after exertion
Thick yellow discharges? Yes. Mucous
changing symptoms now? I don’t think so
What you like in food and what not? Loves chocolate, meat fat, broccoli, cold cut meats, salmon, hamburgers, pizza, bananas
Do you feel thirsty mostly? Often thirsty for large amounts of water
or do you like water? Yes, she prefers it
Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Thirsty
Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now? Aching feeling in lower legs, seems to be bones
blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? No
Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition: tends towards hot. Likes cold weather (but does get cold).
Do you like to be wrapped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather: Feels hot in body mostly, likes to be uncovered.
what you like in food The most = sweets or salts? Tends to prefer salty.
Do you have any other problem beside these? Describe in details: Gets occasional, unexplained urticaria on trunk, legs and face. Intolerant of milk. *EXTREME SENSITIVITY TO CLOTHING* has very few items that she will wear. Refuses most of the clothes in her closet. Hates the feeling of seams. *SENSITIVE TO FEELING OF HAIR ON HER NECK* and must have hair tightly attached at all times.
Loves to have back gently scratched/rubbed. Incredibly irritable mood. Does not like to be told what to do, obstinate, demanding, snappish. Lazy, wants someone else to do things for her. VERY ENERGETIC. Moves constantly, fidgets, wiggles, cannot hold still unless using electronics. Will not sit in seat for meals but stands at table. Runs around on all fours pretending to be animal sometimes. LOVES PEOPLE. ALWAYS NEEDS TO BE WITH SOMEONE. Cannot play alone. Dry bumps on upper arms and thighs. Tends to have dry skin.
Before she had these problems, she was a very kind, pleasant child who laughs a lot and is silly. Smiled constantly, friendly, Very attached to mother. Her pet turtle died this summer before her change, could be mourning? Had a harsh teacher in preschool (she is no longer there, has a good teacher now). Had a hard fall when she was 2, hit her face and bruised badly. Was given nat Sulph for possible concussion and responded very well. Has since fully healed. Swallowed button battery when she was 3 and went to the hospital but had no ill effects and passed the battery.
HISTORY: Esmee has had episodes like this before. When she was 3 she went through a period of anger and irritability, itchy skin, eye pain, and severe leg pain made better by movement usually at night, strong attachement to mother. Rhus Tox made a huge difference, pulsatilla followed it up and she was back to normal.
Appearance: olive toned, clear skin. Beautiful brown eyes with dark lashes, fine features. light brown, curly, lovely hair. Very slender and tall.
Do patient have any habit of or viskey etc or meat etc ? No
Please select only one option from below WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM how you, your family, friends see the patient : 7 (where are 9 and 10? None of these fit particularly well, so going with 7 as my only close option)
1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.
Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ? Anger
What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from ? No
Or any other chronic disease .. ?? No
All 200c potency… all given separately several weeks or more from each other to allow time to act…
Lycopodium (no response)
Sulphur (no response)
Calc carb (no response)
Ignatia (some improvement on first dose, second dose no change)
Pulsatilla (helped beautifully with certain symptoms then stopped working)
Rhus Tox (helped enormously with previous symptoms, was a perfect fit. Seemed to be her constitutional remedy but Now no longer helps)
Tarantula Hispanica (no response)
Lachesis (no response)
Cina (most recent remedy given with no response)
Please let me know if you have questions or if I need to clarify anything. Your help is greatly appreciated, as her terrible moods and refusal to wear most clothes is quite challenging. Thank you!
[Edited by Britsta on 2025-01-29 18:58:52]
Britsta on 2025-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How was she treated for Pneumonia? (Allopathic Or Homeopathic). As there is lingering cough it is reasonable to infer that it was probably incorrectly treated. Keeping that in mind you may give her one dose Sulphur 30 even though you say that it was given before without any effect. Sulphur has the power to bring things to the surface which were Suppressed by wrong treatment. Please note that Sulphur gets antidoted by sour food and drinks. Do not give her sour things for atleast a week to see if Sulphur exposes something.
Not a doc1 last month
Hi I’m back, sorry this took so long. I completely missed your first question about how she was treated for pneumonia. I treated her at home with high dose vitamin c, echinacea and elderberry tea, fermented garlic honey, and gemmotherapy (vine bud). It was hard to get her to take anything (she’s very stubborn and rigid) so often she wouldn’t take it.
However, I did give her a dose of sulphur, nothing sour for a week (she doesn’t typically eat sour things anyway). The cough seemed to go away but I gave her another dose to be sure and it resurfaced. It sounds barky and dry, nothing comes up, and she only coughs occasionally.
Her scalp is extremely sensitive to brushing, by the way. She screams and screams when I try.
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and thank you for your time.
[Edited by Britsta on 2025-02-19 13:49:38]
However, I did give her a dose of sulphur, nothing sour for a week (she doesn’t typically eat sour things anyway). The cough seemed to go away but I gave her another dose to be sure and it resurfaced. It sounds barky and dry, nothing comes up, and she only coughs occasionally.
Her scalp is extremely sensitive to brushing, by the way. She screams and screams when I try.
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and thank you for your time.
[Edited by Britsta on 2025-02-19 13:49:38]
Britsta last week
Is there any history of skin eruption treated externally?
Any history of Tuberculosis in the family? (Both sides)?
Any history of Tuberculosis in the family? (Both sides)?
Not a doc1 last week
No history of tuberculosis within the last two generations on either my side or her father’s. I can find out if her great grandparents had Tuberculosis if you think it’s necessary.
The hives and outbreaks have never been treated externally. I have always recognized those of a sign of internal distress so have only ever treated homeopathically.
The hives and outbreaks have never been treated externally. I have always recognized those of a sign of internal distress so have only ever treated homeopathically.
Britsta last week
Not a doc1 last week
On this forum anyone can join and give any type health advice.
You can click any user name and see bio and the threads of who you are talking to.
It seems like you think you are talking to a dr or homeopath. I suggest you look thru forum and you can email Anujj213at who is very experienced prescriber for a decade on here for advice.
On this forum anyone can join and give any type health advice.
You can click any user name and see bio and the threads of who you are talking to.
It seems like you think you are talking to a dr or homeopath. I suggest you look thru forum and you can email Anujj213at who is very experienced prescriber for a decade on here for advice.
♡ simone717 last week
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