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kid with no appetite!

My son is 3 years old. He never ate much but at the moment its really difficult. Hes been sick for 3 weeks this winter and since then, he doesnt seem to find back his appetite. Here are his main symptoms:
- he constantly asks for chocolate: all day long!
- he is feeling itchy but do not scratch (he used to have eczema when he was younger)
- He often complains about abdominal pain but it doesnt last for long.
- when I bring him food, he puts his hand in over his mouth and says he doesnt want to eat.
- He says he wants to eat but doesnt know what.
- He CANNOT stand contradiction, he often screams to impose his view.
- He gets upset very easily
- He is very slim, he had iron deficiency at some point.
- He only passes stool once a week, max twice a week.
- His sleep is quite agitated, he moves quite a lot and wake up sometimes.
- He drinks quite a lot, especially to fall asleep.

So far, Sulfur15C helped him a lot, but doesnt anymore.
[Edited by Laura1 on 2025-02-03 22:49:10]
  Laura1 on 2025-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give him one dose Sulphur 30 in the morning. Do not give him any sour food and drink as that will antidote medicine.
Not a doc1 4 weeks ago
You must stop the chocolate bc it is too acidic-
Our cells have to have an alkaline ph- Too much acidic forming foods(google that) start turning cells acidic and can cause stomach upset,acid reflux, and candida which makes you crave these things.
The diet has to change.As for not being able to be contradicted this is part of stage of development- Like what they call “terrible twos” - Read up on how to manage that- but he could be feeling bad from being out of balance with acidity also.
simone717 3 weeks ago
Thank you so much for your help. Sulphur 30 was definitely the right remedy for my son. He just started eating again which is a huge relief. I just have one more question: how much do you think essential oil interfers with the homeopathic remedy? In this cold season, I like to rub my sons feet with a drop of ravinstara.
Laura1 3 weeks ago
That will antidote remedies. Especially that one.
simone717 3 weeks ago
I gave him some ravinstara this afternoon and he started having the hiccup. Does it mean I have to repeat Sulphur 30?
Laura1 3 weeks ago
No. wait and see. For hiccups you can give mag phos cell salt 6x - you can give it every hour till it stops.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-02-08 00:39:36]
simone717 3 weeks ago
There is a home remedy for hiccups. Please give him a pinch of sugar to eat. That can stop hiccups almost immediately.
Outside of cell salts homeopathic remedy for hiccups is Nux vomica. You can use it in 30 potency.
Not a doc1 3 weeks ago
Last night he peed in bed which never happens to him and he had severe reflux. I can clearly see how the essential oil interfered with the remedy, because before I gave him Ravinstara I could see so much benefit from the homeopathic remedy. So I dont really know if at this point it is necessary to repeat Sulphur30 or if I should just wait and see.
Laura1 3 weeks ago
You should repeat now if it is daytime in your place. Rule for repetition is : repeat when the symptoms come back. It is not related to number of days although there is a maximum limit for which a medicine may remain active.
Not a doc1 3 weeks ago
I would not repeat this.
he is clearly having proving symptoms from sulphur 30. Symptoms he never had. This means the dosing or potency was too high.What happens is a person can have a good reaction and then start aggravation of old things which subside or have new things that are listed in sulphur materia medica.
The new things can wear off and then you can have aggravation of old things and then improvement.
I would antidote this reaction with a dose of nux vomica 30 c.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-02-08 18:32:31]
simone717 3 weeks ago

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