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mouth aphthae

My 13 year daughter has been having mouth aphthae frequently from last 5 years. She had severe diarrhea before that and was admitted in hospital. they kept her for 3-4 days giving her all kinds of meds I.V. the aphthae episode started after 4 months approximately. before this she was very healthy child. since then she had another two episodes of mild loose motions that stayed for a very long time. the tests were done . even ultra sound. everything was ok. both times loose motions occurred in severe winter time. she has stopped putting any weight from last few years. even her height has stopped. She is very skinny now. we started giving homeopathy from last year for aphthae and growth but couldnt find relief. Recently more tests were done and it seems she is anaemic as well as her sugar levels were high.

She is a very chilly person. Likes summer weather. sits in front of heater. She is irritable, looks for attention and sympathy. Cannot take rude behaviour. she doesnt like to be scolded. She can be laughing at one time and can be irritable and crying very easily.
very active.
She is extremely fond of sugar, sour food. she feels hungry but as soon as she sits down to eat she is done after 1/4th of the food and then for rest of the food she might take more than 45 minutes and that also by constantly motivating her. She says that she feel full after a little bit eating.

If someone can kindly help us through that will be highly appreciated
  chiala on 2025-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her one dose Psorinum 200.
If she is taking any other medicine stop them.
Not a doc1 4 days ago
Sure I will..Thanks for the advice....
chiala 3 days ago

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