The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lumina Aesthetics Studio
Here at Lumina Aesthetics Studio welcomes Jess here, and it gives me great pleasure to bring you to the newest spot to relax and pamper Kitchener Waterloo. Our calm environment, which includes warm towels, organic skin care products, peaceful water fountain, and soft music, will help you to reach the oasis of your dreams.We at our studio provide waxing, pedicues, manicues, and luxury facials. Having worked as a medical aesthetician for nine years and driven by a great love of all things beauty, I have developed a reputation for providing first-rate service to my wonderful clientele. I grabbed the chance to launch my own company when the high-end spa I was working for chose to veers differently. Lumina emerged from this and stands for brilliance, brightness, and light.
You will feel the difference the instant you enter our location, 124 Weber St. N., Waterloo. Our aim is to provide you a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will make you feel invigorated long after you get back into daily life. We appreciate your selecting Lumina Aesthetics Studio.
For More Info:-
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luminaaesthetics on 2025-02-28
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