The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Last appearing symptoms as guide to administer remedies
Patient is old one, very intelligent but naive,came many times for consultation.Having good knowledge of all pathies, psychiatry, he himself dictate me with his symptoms which are reasonably good for selecting the his choice remedies.For Last 3 months, he visited, his cardiologist, endocrinologist and ENT surgeon who told deviated septum and ears media chronic problems with acute tonsillitis. Was given antibiotics, mucus thinner and pain killers for 5 days and steroids nasal spray for 3 months and was happy but second opinion by other ent surgeon clearly said to avoid surgery and adjust with other systems because cardic and GRAVES disease patient of 68. Since he come dictate symptoms changing rapidly, alternating, pain appear disappear suddenly, locations changing and took Ignatia, kali bi chrome, lac can lyssin and Pulsa but as always discontented, I asked him any new appeared symptoms which have not resolved any way. After long silence he showed me his head, there were eruption on scalp and occiput area.Erruptions on scalp was scaly and on occiput was moist. I gave him Silicea 200 one dose followed Silicea 12X thrice daily after foods. He is on right on 2025-03-02
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