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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excess sweat

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma .
How could I e-mail you privatly?
  zorro_- on 2006-05-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have the survey answered; how can I send you?
zorro_- last decade
t is great job for homoepath to select the following symptom/medicine form each and individual chapter .realy want to cure from this disease then pick up your symptom from following symptom and send with following detail
1. Name: xxxxxxx

2. Age: 29

3. Sex: Male

4. country:Buenos Aires, Argentina

5. climate:Warm (20-30ºc summer/5-15ºc winter; high humidity); I prefer cold weather. I don’t like rainy, windy, hot weather

6. What exactly is happening ?I start sweating suddenly and I cant handle it. It happens more oftenly during summer just walking but all year long once I face some stress situation (most situations when I feel observed )

7. Which side and where your perspire more ? First place the forehead, and then the neck, chest and back –I have some body hair in those regions-

8. How do you feel ? completely uncomfortable; Once I start sweating this is the only thing I have in my mind.

9. How does this affect you ? Enough .

10. How does it feel like ?Strange, it takes place suddenly. Mix feeling of heat and cold

11. What comes to your mind ? I wish to be in another place

12. One situation that had a big effect on you ? I had no emotional imbalance. No dramas in my life. I was born with 7 months.

13.14.15 n/a

16. current medicine you are taking: just beta sitosterol 375mg (natural source for hair loss)

17. family back ground: Father, brothers who sweat a lot too

18. qualification of patient

19. Nature of working: administrative

20. desire and aversion of food: I prefer salty an spicy food. I use to eat very fast and a lot. Height 6`3” / Weight 223 pounds, big and muscle body ( I work out 3 time a week running or gym). Don’t smoke, just drink moderately once a week.

21. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required): I am very impatient, I used to have a worse mood –irritable-, I am not public speaking, I hardly express my feelings, Other people describes me as polite and gentle. I hate to discuss.

22. When increases/Decreases(Aggravation & Amelioration), mention time,duration/season ……etc.
When I am under pressure, when I feel observed (typical situation is a job interview). But during summer time in spite of not being under pressure I also sweat a lot just walking for few minutes.
zorro_- last decade
Dear zorro,
You are advise to take the following prescription
1. Calc Carb 10M weekly one dose at sunday morining empty stomach of 2 drops
2. Merc viv 6c daily three doses of 2 drops each don't take on sunday.
continue for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I forgot to mention, that when I was a teenager I had been diagnosed with a hyperthyroidism. I used to attend homepathic doctor, and finally i improved my condition. But I have gained too much weight since then (around 42 pounds in 5 years)
I am on this regimen mercurius vivus daily and calc carbo once a week since 2 weeks and a half; and I am feeling better, sleeping deeply and I am not being so hungry. I would like to focus either an effort in order to improve my hair condition.

zorro_- last decade
Dear Deoshlok
I am on this regimen since 1 month and a half. I feel more confident, sleeping better.Since then I have experienced twice an uncontrollable sweating situation. Both weren´t under preasure situations (I was not the core of the meeting), social meetings, heating places. Some times I guess that is due to mind games. Fear to sweat takes place. A kind of panic atack. Although I have always been a sweating person. Regarding my hair condition a I have not experienced any improvement or regrowth. I read that takes long time calc carb to show results. Any feedback or change in the regime?
zorro_- last decade
Dear Deoshlok
I am on this regimen since 1 month and a half. I feel more confident, sleeping better.Since then I have experienced twice an uncontrollable sweating situation. Both weren´t under preasure situations (I was not the core of the meeting), social meetings, heating places. Some times I guess that is due to mind games. Fear to sweat takes place. A kind of panic atack. Although I have always been a sweating person. Regarding my hair condition a I have not experienced any improvement or regrowth. I read that takes long time calc carb to show results. Any feedback or change in the regime?
zorro_- last decade
i suffered from excessive sweating, but after reading an ebook i was completely cured after 2months naturally, with herbs no prescriptions, and a change of diet. if you would like more details email me
dragontoe last decade

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