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Autism with moderate mental retardation 33



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Autism with moderate mental retardation Page 3 of 3

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Dear Mr. John Stanton,

Single dose of Sulphur200 was given seven weeks back. After few days of its dose, we had observed improvement in following aspects.

1. He used to sleep early by 11.00-11.30 pm otherwise he used to sleep by 12.30-1.00am.
2. He used to spend lesser time in playing with threads.
3. When we used to snatch his thread, he will be very annoyed and will bang his head on sofa. It was also improved after sulphur200 dose.
4.He became calmer.

It was going fine till few days back. Now, he is behaving similar to condition before the dose of sulphur 200.

Now, we want your advise for the further action. Shall we have to repeat sulphur200 or some other medicine? Please also suggest about continuation of lactobacillus.

Best regards
siddharth 2 decades ago
was the return to current state gradual or occur suddenly? please explain circumstances leading to the current....
John Stanton 2 decades ago
we feel that return to this condition sudden, i.e particulary for last 2-3 days we are noticing this change.

Best regards
siddharth 2 decades ago
please explain thouroughly what is/has been happening in household past 4 days? circumstances---anything notibly different ...etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what is current status?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Dear Mr. John Stanton,

Now, he appears to be alright. His behaviour is not always same. Earlier also, before the start of homoeo medicine, somedays, he will be comparibly calm and otherdays, hyperactive.
Shall we continue with lactobacillus?

With best regards
siddharth 2 decades ago
yes, continue lactobacilus.

single dose (3 pellets) "only" sulphur 1M

follow same restrictions...

keep me closely informed...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Dear Mr. John Stanton,
Now, we are not finding any improvement in his condition.
Is it required to give another dose of sulphur or change of medicine? What shall we do to improve his mental retardation?
Best regards
siddharth 2 decades ago
point by point --what is exact symptomology? current as compared to before treatment started--please explain thoroughly..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Comment - have found Baryta Car high - useful in this condition.
passkey 2 decades ago

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