The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sensitivity for fruit acid at 11 months
Maja,11 months,dark-blond curly hair,blue eyes,shy,lovely,smiles a lot,crying only when hungry or when she has pain,sleeping a lot (12hours),she has often sweaty head,eating well and willingly,since she was born she had pussy,watery eyes,since 5 months right eye was getting better and better and now is ok, we have still problem with left eyes,all the time tears coming out,sometimes a little bit yellow puss,at the morning she has often problem to open eyes becasue its sticky becasue of puss.Tears are coming out all the time but even more quickly when she has contact with sun or wind,the eye is a little bit swollen but not red.Maja had breast feeding for 3 months,often colics,she had red ,dry egzemas a lot then so i went on diet and problem was a little bit less but still she had problem with egzemas,since 4 months we started giving hypoallergic milk and vegetables and the condition of skin was starting be better but since we begon giving fruits for babys it was terrible.The skin was whole in red,dry egzema.Now Maja has 10 months and she doesnt eat any fruits except banana.In general we noticed that when give her something a little bit sourish like fruits or tomatoes and will be very quickly red,dry egzema.Last time i gave her 4 little raspberry and the egzema attacted terribly left cheek and above eyes and this time it was really first time wet egzema.
She follows vaccinations process.
we dont know how to help our child with this alerggy problem.Iam begging for help.
majdor on 2006-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
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