The ABC Homeopathy Forum
feeling worse of staphysagria, chalazion
I'm from Poland, i'm 23 girl. Since 18 months i have acne rosacea and also chalazions on both eyes.I have problems with liver like Cholecystis. And also i have hiatal hernia.since one week i started to use staphysagria 200 CH in pills -one pill two times a day. I took this remedies, cos i wanted to remove my chalazions without surgery.
And after 4 days i felt worst and worst. after 6 days i finished using staphysagria. And 2 days later i got period which is too early about 2 weeks. During using staphysagria 200 CH till now i have stomachache. Condition of my complexion also is worst than before. My lymph nodes on neck are now bigger. Also with staphysagia i used liv. 52 of ayurveda. What's the reason of my creepingcrud. What to do now? Maybe this is a breakthrough, which i need to heal?
Victoria_Antares on 2006-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Seems like your body is unable to throw anything at all.
With any other medicine try Silicea 3X three doses a day.
And Calcarea carbonica 30 one time a day.
With any other medicine try Silicea 3X three doses a day.
And Calcarea carbonica 30 one time a day.
♡ girilal last decade
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