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Boiron Gasalia ®:


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gas formation after meals


Everyday after food [breakfast or lunch or dinner] my stomach begins to feel heavy. Gas forms. Gas can sometimes be expelled downwards but most of the time it forms continuously. Until I have to pass stool. This relieves me for sometime. Almost daily I have to go to the toilet twice or more after morning and emits more gas than stool.
I have reguler bowel movement in the morning.
And most of the time it is on the softer side bordering on being liquidy. The stool starts normal and then later becomes liquid.
The stool is smelly. The gas most of the time is not smelly.
This is happeneing for a long time (more than year). I had ignored till now.
After reading some materials I started taking Mag Phos (6X) before and Nat Phos (6X) after food. I am taking this for 2 weeks.
It helps to reduce the gas and the number of times I have to go to the toilet but if I stop then the condition returns.

Sleep is broken and not continuous.

There is general body weakness.

Please help.
  novicerider on 2006-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is possible that you are suffering from Amoebiasis and although there are some homeopathic remedies that can help you, I would prefer that you use a drug like Tinidazole to treat this organism which often does not show positive in a stool culture. It may be necessary to repeat this drug if the symptoms recur in a few months.
Joe De Livera last decade
have you seen mucous or blood in your stool ever.

the symptoms indicate amoebiasis which is the infection of a germ called histolytica antamoeba.

as joe suggested, you can take antiamoebic medicines like tinidazole and repeat it after a few months.

this is a temporary solution because it could recurr.

a wholistic approach should be to take homoeopathic or ayurvedic liver remedies to strengthen your liver so that the body fights off the infection by itself.

if you can describe all your mental and physical simptoms including the questions i have initially asked, we could recommend a permanent cure.
rishimba last decade
Firstly thank you very much for your replies.

After getting the meassges I did a little study on amoebiasis. Here are a few details on me.

1. I cannot be too careful about food always as I live alone and away from home.

2. I do extensive travelling too.

3. My hunger is normal and sometimes I tend to overeat. In fact I am consciously trying to eat less.

4. I am 33 years old.

5. I dont have any restrictions on food.

6. My weight is OK for my height; a little less may be. I am lean. But I am lethargic and get tired often.

7. When I eat, after about an hour or half the discomfort starts. My stomach bloats up.

And grumbling noises start from my stomach whenever gases build up if I dont pass the gas out.

8. Sometimes (this was very frequent earlier) I used to feel that the food is full to my throat and sometimes felt upward pressure as. I had acidity (sour taste) but that has not happened for a long time.

9. Yes I have noticed mucuos in my stool many times (frequently enough) although not always. no Blood. And as mentioned before it tends to be more liquidy after a while.

10. I have a bad case of hay fever (continuous sneezing + tremendous hunger pangs + watery nose + red and itchy eyes) at times if I come into contact with fine dust.

I will take liv52 or something similar for my liver. Any other advise for me?

Also I take Carbo-veg 30 in the mornings (empty stomach) and Mag phos 6x and nat phos 6x before and after meals. It has given me some relief but not totally and the problem comes back if I stop. How long can I take these medicines continuously. Any harmful effects? It has been 2 weeks already.

novicerider last decade
your remedy is NUX VOMICA 30C to be taken 2 times a day in empty stomach.

taper down the dose when you notice improvement.

you may take liv 52, it will be good for you.

carboveg is for heartburn and burping, which is not your main symptom. LYCOPODIUM would be more beneficial to you as the gas is being passed downwards.
rishimba last decade
Grapefruit Seed Extract is a powerful anti-viral/bacerial/parasitical .
HIGHLY recommended.
carlotta last decade
Thanks for all your replies. I will stop the others and I will start on Nux Vomica right away and get back to you.

Grapefruit seed extract I will have to figure out how to get hold off.

One more query, I have always heard that Homeopathy does not have side-effects. Is that a myth? I mean if we take these medicines for long time will it not cause any problems?

novicerider last decade
Another query, This lycopodium - what potency should I use?

Cheers and Thanks again...
novicerider last decade
start with LYCOPODIUM 30C two times a day.

if you feel no improvement in the next 4 or 5 days, take one dose of LYCOPODIUM 200c every 4 to 5 days.

you should be alright in next 10 days.
rishimba last decade

i have suffered a lot with this amoebiasis and finally got rid of it with homeopathy medicines. you must be careful with the antibiotics like tinidazole. you have complete the course of the medicine.otherwise, the amoeba will develop resistance, leading to more complications. be careful with the food and drinking water. if you take from hotels, then there is a possibility that the problem will recur again. always drink boiled and cooled water. avoid spicy foods. take Liv52 regularly to strengthen your liver. You can also try a dechane company medicine diasyn which is harmless herbal medicine (http://www.dechane.com/Diasyn.htm).
muruganrsa last decade
Hi there!
I have this problem since few years ago,I get always gas in my stomach even after bowel movement,I have also hemorhoides I wonder if gas related to hemorhoieds?
the amount of gas it increse during the sleeping time,I hope u advise me something...
sweetslumber last decade
To Sweetslumber

Your remedy is Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets after meals. You can also use Arnica 30c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily.

It is very likely that over a period of time your haemorrhoids owe their origin to they hyperacidic nature of your digested food.

I shall indicate a remedy for this ailment after your hyperacidity has been stabilized.
Joe De Livera last decade
if more gas emission that stool then your remedy is Aloes 30 4 times a day, try it after if you couldnt get well by having other experts' advised remedies,

ashfaq last decade

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