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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I need help with remedy for possible urticaria

Greetings Everyone,

I am new to this forum, but so glad to have found it! I hope I can get some suggestions for a troublesome problem. Thank you so very much in advance for all your assistance. I would go to a homeopath, but there seem to be none in my area, Fort Worth, TX. I know, sounds silly, since Fort Worth is a city of over 500, 000 people. I have searched high and low through Internet, phone directories, people - nothing! I am as puzzled as you are, since I moved here from a Pacific NW state, where it was easy to find a homeopath. I stumbled upon this forum while attempting to research Internet homeopath Dr. Shah before I paid him to treat me through online referrals. If you know of a good homeopath in my area, please, please let me know.

I will try to be concise and not waste your time:
1. Symptoms: red, itchy rash; appears as small red bumps, which later spread to look like miniature maps of continents (3/4 inch or so in diameter) with red edge and a paler inside; itchy; lasts approximately 6 weeks; internet research of dermatological photos brought urticaria as the closest suspect; I only get one or two at a time, the last one, however, is just starting with about 8 bumps; they are gone for a couple of months, then reappear again

2. Location: currently right in the center below my neck where the collarbone is; this only started happening after I moved to TX from another state (1 yr.); previously - 1999 to 2005, the rash appeared on the inside of my right first, and then left, then both thighs

3. Cause/trigger: not sure; when it first started, I was in a very stressful job, with lots of fear; I am no longer in this job and my life has greatly improved, however, the problem remains; stress seems to start them, however, except for this last outbreak, which happened during my summer break and I am utterly relaxed; I've been unable to identify any food/environmental trigger

4. worse: sometimes before my period, or in times of stress

5. feels better when: cold, in the open air

6. sleep pattern: mostly good, snore a lot (loudly)due to obesity; lately going to bed after midnight (by choice), but unable to sleep past 6:30 a.m., tired, no energy or desire to do anything
no recurring dreams lately; before I was treated by a homeopath for depression in 2002, I had a recurring dream that my husband and I are looking for a home and we buy a very opulent one, much better than we could afford; then we discover that we have to share it with the ghost of a lady (middle-aged), who has taken control of the main living quarters- upper floor (never see her, but know she is there), while we have to live in the drab basement of the home; the home is truly opulent, somewhat underfunashed, but grand staircases and guilded mirrors and furnature; when my homeopath heard the dream in 2002, she prescribed Allum Aurum (gold), which alleviated my depression, but did nothing for the rash.; she said it would take care of itself as my body ballances itself out; I only had this recurring dream once this past year, when I was considering changing the school district I work for

7. sensitive to: criticism; too much noise - probably due to being a teacher and having a stressful job - however, I am the same at home; lately, I've been unable to deal with my neighbors' chihuahuas who bark at all times of night; I am not too assertive and rarely stand up for myself (which I am trying to change); I try to please people a lot to avoid being talked about or confronted

8. state of mind: complicated - still somewhat depressed; frequently sad or listless (not nearly as bad as I used to be); I hide in the house a lot, not willing to participate in social life too much, but you wouldn't be able to tell since I am great at appearing 'normal'; mad with myslef for not performing better in all areas of my life (even though other people tell me I've done exceptionally well and am living the good life); fear of accidents, illnesses, etc.; every day I get up with the plans to do a bunch of stuff for myself, family, and others, but somehow I get mentally paralyzed and unable to finish them, then feel extremely disappointed with myself for being a failure, then the cycle of good intentions begins all over the next day; work keeps me sane - I am great at teaching and very organized, too; it's almost like I am 2 different people at home and work; much better and less depressed when other forces structure my life than when I have to deal with my own free time; people like me, I am great at listening to them

9. desires or aversions for foods: I desire greasy foods - meat, chocolate, chips; no aversions to anything I can think of, but I'll keep thinking and let you know; when I eat something that is too sweet or has too many carbs, I get a headache and enter into a somewhat sleeplike state where everything moves slower

10. major deseases: severe and repeated bronchial pneumonia with hospitalizations at ages 2-4; pre-eclampsia while pregnant 12 years ago, which was undiagnosed and left untreated until it was full-blown, which led me to a hospital for over a month with an IV continuously attached to me for the duration and who-knows-what pouring down my veins 24/7; it all ended with a C-section at 33.5 weeks; the aftermath was depression and a terrible rash over my face and torso which stayed for about a month and didn't respond to treatment, plus major depression which lasted over 7 years (I refused to take allopathic medication for it);;; 2 cases of penumonia in the winter of 2002 and summer of 2003 - took some steroids for the last one, but discontinued - I became literally crazy;;; 140 over 100 blood pressure (occuring occasionally) for the past 5 years or so; obesity, obesity, obesity

11. I am proud of having been able to stay mostly off of allopathic medication, so i am unaware of any reactions to meidcation

12. history of homeopathic treatment: 2002 - treatment with Allum Aurum for depression; it took the edge and dark thoughts away, but I am still a somewhat sad person due to a bad/emotionally abusive childhood and issues of abandonment and not being good enough

13. other symptoms: lately my eyes have been watering and drying out, but I think it is due to the fact that it is hot and we are keeping the ceiling fans running at high speed;

14. about me: I know to prescribe constitutional medication, homeopaths look at body/face shape and outer appearance, so here it is (to my embarrassement) I am very overweight, with stocky build (apple shape); have always had a dowager's hump (inherited through my grandmother and mother (who is very skinny); round face; round eyes with dark circles around them

15. thoughts: my pregnancy problems changed me - I was always overweight, but within reason; I have gained over 100 lbs. since then and feel as if my body is completely out of whack;;;I don't know how to balance it

I hope I didn't appear too whiny and irritating - there is much that I do well and I give myself credit for, but I had to concentrate on the issues I am experiencing.

I greatly appreciate the time you took to read my post. I welcome any suggestions you may have and thank you in advance for them. If you know of a homeopath who could help me, please let me know.

Thanks so much:
  marinastar on 2006-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for detail. please start the following medicine
1. Apis mel 30c 4-6 pilsl three times in a day
2. Nat Mur 3x 4 tab thrice in a day
3. Urtica Urens Q 30ml 10 drops thrice in ad ay for a month will cure all type of urticaria

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Sharma,

Thank you so very much for taking the time to help me. I know my post was long and took a long, long time to read.

I will purchase the medicine right away and start taking it.

Do I take the Apis Mel and Nat Mur for a month same as Urtica Urens, or longer?

Thank you so much:
marinastar last decade
Dr. Sharma,

You recommended Nat Mur 3x, however, the lowest concetration I am finding is 12x, then 30x. Would any of the above work?

Thanks for your time:
marinastar last decade
no only use nat. mur 3x not others.
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Sharma,

Thank you so much. The remedies you recommended (except for the Nat Mur which I couldn't find in the potency you recommended)have shipped to my home and I will start taking them as soon as they arrive. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Warm Regards,
marinastar last decade

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