The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anxiety, Insomnia problems, suggestions?
I'm a 24-YO male and I started having panic attacks about a couple of months ago. For the previous year I had, had a lump feeling in my throat (Thought it was GERD or from smoking so I passed it off)About the time the panic attacks started I had quit smoking. Now I'm no longer smoking or drinking any caffeine. I'm currently on PRAXIL/CR for anxiety and have been on that for a week. I was on BUSPAR the week before that but was having bad reactions to the medication. During the night I'm having a hard time sleeping. I took a tylenol PM to go to sleep on sunday night and my wife said I got up several times during the night (but I don't remember them, I just felt REALLY tired the next day) than I layed down and tossed and turned last night. I felt like I was having a panic attack the minute the lights went out. I was sweating, but my feet were cold and I couldn't get comfortable. I felt like I had a lump in my throat and needed to throw up and I felt a weight-like sensation on my chest. I can't seem to get my mind off of work and school and relax during the night. Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is affecting my work and school dearly.
stelmate on 2006-07-25
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