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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi all

I have been taking LM4 Nat Mur (2 drops per day) for a chronic (10 yrs) case of urticaria, for 18 days. my urticaria has worsened to such an extent that I need to take double the dose of antihistamine most days (which dont work that well anymore anyway hence the turn to homeopathy). I saw a professional homeopath for this prescription and he said to keep taking the orthodox med until my symptoms improve. The itching and burning has worsened and I have outbreaks all the time.

Is 18 days to long for an aggravation?

is my dose too large?

I thought I would try on here before I ring the homeopath so if there are any sugestions all will be most welcome!

Many Thanks, Indigomoon

PS. i am a Nat Mur type.
  indigomoon on 2004-09-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In that high potency, only one dose was enough to push out the toxins !

Should have waited for a week or 10 days atleast for the second dose.

In fact one dose of such a high potency of Natrum Mur would have kept on working for three weeks.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
thankyou for your very quick reply, it is much appreciated.

I am really very surprised that my homeopath prescribed this daily dosage if indeed it is too high. What concerns me now is what to do next. My appointment is not until November, although I think I will be contacting the clinic for some more advice.

Would you suggest that I stop taking the nat mur and see what happens to my symtpoms over the next week or so? I am very confused!!!

Thanks, Indigomoon
indigomoon 2 decades ago

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