The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help for Young Woman Hair loss. Page 3 of 4
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
YWHAIR 2 decades ago
restrictions are so unnecessary complications /aggravations/impediments do not occur during treatment--when case becomes stable,then reintroduce food articles as feel need and access each as to effect ..some may need be avoided indefinitely---
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Today I have taken 3 balls of Phosphorus 30c today.
How long should I wait to see results. What should I be looking for.
How long should I wait to see results. What should I be looking for.
YWHAIR 2 decades ago
dry skin. Hair still falling. happier desposition.
YWHAIR 2 decades ago
what occur that you attribute happier disposition to?please explain
what is current sleep characrteristics /please expalin
what is current sleep characrteristics /please expalin
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
I assume this particular debate endend last year already. I have most of the symptoms that YWHAIR has and it has frustrated me more then words can ever say!! I have had this problem since I was 14 and am now 25! I have looked every where on the internet for answers, but this is the first time I find a article that explains all my symptoms in detail. I hope they have arnica balls where I come from!!!
lauralay 2 decades ago
The treatment for Allopecia varies from one individual to the other and I have found that it may be necessary to use a variety of Homeopathic
Remedies to arrest the falling of hair.
Start with Arnica 6c and after using it for about a month, if you do not see any positive results, we can use a few other remedies. If Arnica is your remedy you should see results in 2-3 weeks when you will notice that the hair you see on your towel after a shower will gradually be reduced.
In the meanwhile, you should use only Johnson's Baby Shampoo as this is very mild and helps with falling hair.
Arnica should be available in any Homeopathy Pharmacy or Health food store or can be ordered from ABC.
Remedies to arrest the falling of hair.
Start with Arnica 6c and after using it for about a month, if you do not see any positive results, we can use a few other remedies. If Arnica is your remedy you should see results in 2-3 weeks when you will notice that the hair you see on your towel after a shower will gradually be reduced.
In the meanwhile, you should use only Johnson's Baby Shampoo as this is very mild and helps with falling hair.
Arnica should be available in any Homeopathy Pharmacy or Health food store or can be ordered from ABC.
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I was actually online looking for information about pregnancy when I came across this forum (by mistake) and I HAD TO post. Okay, this is the situation. When I was only 15 I too had significant hair loss. It started with several small patches and eventually I lost it all. I was devastated. I had to go to school my entire junior year wearing a wig. Also, I had the tiny dents in my fingernails. Well after several visits to the dermatologist, I was finally diagnosed with Alopecia. I have now been living with this condition for over 12 years. Fortunately my doctor decided to "experiment" on me. He used this cream called Drithocreme. It is actually used to treat acne. What I'm about to tell you sounds barbaric but it is well worth it. I put the medication on (twice the recommended length of time). It was somewhat painful as the medication causes the scalp to become quite sore, and in most cases the skin breaks to leave a small almost burn on your scalp. The reaction from the "sore" causes the hair follicles to draw to the surface and regrow. I am now 27 years old and have only one spot on my head the size of a quarter. I treated it about 2 weeks ago and the hair is already almost a quarter of an inch long. It's strange because the hair re-grows very lightly (as it does when you're a baby), but I am happy to say that I now have a "regular" head of hair. You should definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility of Alopecia. I hope I helped you!
cindik last decade
I am also seeking help for thinning hair. I noticed my hair thinning about 3 months after the man I was dating died. I also stopped having my period for about 5 months. That was three years ago and it has since persisted and got worse. I feel that I am on the verge of depression due to this, and feel very sad after I take a shower, because my scalp shows in the thinning areas, which are in the front/top of my head and crown area. My uncle on my fathers side and my fathers dad are/were balding, but not my father or his other brother. My mothers side of the family has no history of hair loss at all. I feel like I am totally losing my self comfidence and would appreciate any help. I am taking ortho tri-cyclen as a birth control method. Use minoxidil about 1-2 times a week, at night. I am also taking a skin, hair and nail vitamin, and evening primrose oil 3 times per day. I have not seen any results. I do drink diet drinks, eat ham/canadian bacon occasionally, and drink alcohol socially on the weekends. How long must you abstain from consumption when taking amica(sp?)? Can you get this from health food stores, and could someone also give a more detailed explanation as to how it should be taken. Again, thank you. P.S. I also pray every night for help with my thinning hair.
water girl last decade
I also forgot to add that I am 25. When I was 23 I went to see someone at my college's health center, and she did some blood work to test for thyroid problems. MY thyroid was fine, and all the woman could suggest was minoxidil. I am at a loss and don't know what to do. I am pondering what type of work I could do at home, because I do not want to leave the house. I do not want to have to go through taking a shower and being sad while fixing my hair. Please help.
water girl last decade
I am also turning 25 this year and am experiencing hair loss for the last 3 years I have been having menstural problems since the age of 17 yet none of my doctors have said anything is wrong with me....any suggestions>?? i am prone to stress though
im_psyche last decade
Normal hair loss is a common problem but if you have the excessive hair loss then it's a serious problem. Approximately 10% of your hair is likely to shed at any given time. Although you may not predict the normal duration of hair shedding but you can definitely cure for hair loss problem, split end hair and grey hair problems. Read this article to get solutions for hair loss prevention.
Monalisa last decade
hello, i'm 20 years old and have been losing hair since i started high school. I'm in college and the hair loss has continued. I've lost more than 2/3 of the hair i had when i was 14. I'm constantly stressing out abt my hair. I have always had dandruff. The amount of hair that comes of has actually decreased lately but it still falls of and it's not growing back. A friend of mine told me to stop using conditioner b/c it causes more hair loss, is that true? should i stop using it? I usually do lose more hair when i condtion than when i shampoo. I have bald spots in the front of my head and throughout it. Can you please tell me some ways to stop the hair loss and regrow hair without using medication. I use head and shoulder shampoo right now. I've read on one of the forums that using baby shampoo helps. Are there any other suggestion u would make? I have very long hair, all the way down my back. So, i only wash it twice a weeks b/c otherwise it falls out even more and gets more and more dry. Can somebody please help me.
raj9818 last decade
Your remedy is Arnica 30c in the Liquid dose taken twice daily. Do a search under Hair Loss on this forum and read the advice that I and others have made on controlling your problem.
Stop using all shampoos and conditions and only use Johnson's baby shampoo.
Stop using all shampoos and conditions and only use Johnson's baby shampoo.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I hope all women who have had hairloss problem read this:
I have been suffering from hairloss for the last 7 years. I am now 35 years, healthy otherwise. I tried everything from rogain to hormone pills, other sorts of products until I run into this website and decided to follow a recipe Joe De Silva, among others suggested and supplemented it with decolorized iodine. My hairloss dramatically decreased in three weeks of dedicated application. after about 6 weeks, now have fewer than 10 hairs coming out when I comb my hair. most of the hair that came out was actually broken as opposed to what it was before, fallin from the roots. I also saw significant regrowth in my frontal temple area where hair was receding. I havent noticed yet any regrown anywhere else but it is such great relief to see my hair stopped falling. I would really say to women who are suffering, to try this and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. my regime was as follows:
1. every third day I used a mixture of coconut oil and arnica tincture (as Joe suggested, Take 20 ml. Arnica Mother Tinture and 80 ml. of coconut oil. I used Qtip to apply on the scalp so my hair does not get too oily.
2. Every evening, i used white iodine on my scalp and skipped on the days that I used the coconut. I heard of iodine tincture on another hairloss site.
I tested the hairline area first by using only the iodine and i noticed my hiar fillig in really noticably. I must say I am not sure whether it is just the iodine which stopped the iodine or the combination. I think anywone who is in distress about hair loss try this.
Also, i started taking cod fish oil, flaxseed oil and eveprimrose oil supplements. I cut down on caffeine I have done no other change in my diet nor lifestyle.
Thank you joe and all others who made available their knowledge for those of us who were in the dark.
Good luck and please let all know when you see results so others can try them too.
I have been suffering from hairloss for the last 7 years. I am now 35 years, healthy otherwise. I tried everything from rogain to hormone pills, other sorts of products until I run into this website and decided to follow a recipe Joe De Silva, among others suggested and supplemented it with decolorized iodine. My hairloss dramatically decreased in three weeks of dedicated application. after about 6 weeks, now have fewer than 10 hairs coming out when I comb my hair. most of the hair that came out was actually broken as opposed to what it was before, fallin from the roots. I also saw significant regrowth in my frontal temple area where hair was receding. I havent noticed yet any regrown anywhere else but it is such great relief to see my hair stopped falling. I would really say to women who are suffering, to try this and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. my regime was as follows:
1. every third day I used a mixture of coconut oil and arnica tincture (as Joe suggested, Take 20 ml. Arnica Mother Tinture and 80 ml. of coconut oil. I used Qtip to apply on the scalp so my hair does not get too oily.
2. Every evening, i used white iodine on my scalp and skipped on the days that I used the coconut. I heard of iodine tincture on another hairloss site.
I tested the hairline area first by using only the iodine and i noticed my hiar fillig in really noticably. I must say I am not sure whether it is just the iodine which stopped the iodine or the combination. I think anywone who is in distress about hair loss try this.
Also, i started taking cod fish oil, flaxseed oil and eveprimrose oil supplements. I cut down on caffeine I have done no other change in my diet nor lifestyle.
Thank you joe and all others who made available their knowledge for those of us who were in the dark.
Good luck and please let all know when you see results so others can try them too.
zuummaa last decade
It is so rarely that anyone who has used a remedy prescribed by the resident advisors on this forum take time to report their response to any therapy recommended.
Thank you Suummaa for doing so and I am indeed glad that your hair loss has been arrested. The new growth will be visible in about 2 months and you have to press down on your existing hair and observe the new growth under a powerful light.
The Cod liver oil in capsules also promotes hair growth. I have no experience with the others like flaxseed oil and evenprimrose oil. I would not advise you to use too many supplements as they can be conuter productive.
Another word of advice.
Do not use any shampoos except for Johnsons baby shampoo as this is the mildest.
To those who read this post and notice that their scalp also is scratchy, you are advised to use a teaspoonful of Sulphur 1M in the liquid dose only once weekly. This is made by inserting 3 globules of the remedy into a 250ml bottle of spring water and shaking it before you sip a teaspoonful.
Thank you Suummaa for doing so and I am indeed glad that your hair loss has been arrested. The new growth will be visible in about 2 months and you have to press down on your existing hair and observe the new growth under a powerful light.
The Cod liver oil in capsules also promotes hair growth. I have no experience with the others like flaxseed oil and evenprimrose oil. I would not advise you to use too many supplements as they can be conuter productive.
Another word of advice.
Do not use any shampoos except for Johnsons baby shampoo as this is the mildest.
To those who read this post and notice that their scalp also is scratchy, you are advised to use a teaspoonful of Sulphur 1M in the liquid dose only once weekly. This is made by inserting 3 globules of the remedy into a 250ml bottle of spring water and shaking it before you sip a teaspoonful.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I am 24 years old and had hair loss for 7 months now. It started after a vacation and sudden change in school load that made me stress out. mY hair started falling so fast but it now decreased in rate. However, my scalp is becoming clear now specially in the front area near the forehead. How can I regrow my hair and eventually stop hair loss?
girl24 last decade
Please follow the advice in the posts above and also use the Arnica Q (mother tincture) 20% mix with Coconut oil. This really works like magic and the results are visible in a month when the new hair is seen above the scalp.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Can anyone tell me where to buy white iodine online? I am in the UK and havent been able to buy this from a chemist but I know this stuff is supposed to really stimulate hair growth
Sore Head last decade
hi im 23 and im suffering from hair loss it increased recently wen i lost some weight.ive been taking cyctine b6 but it doznt seem to help. can any1 help me?
loolz83 last decade
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