The ABC Homeopathy Forum
adult acne
hi...thi is ahalya.i am 27 yrs old and never had acne even as a teenager until it hit me the past yr.about the acne:-its on my forhead between the eyebrows and an occassional one on my chin.
-there seems to be no regular pattern,they come,i use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide topically for 4-6 days,they seem to lessen and dry,leave a scar only to come back on the same spots in a week or two.
-my periods are regular with a normal flow,i am comfortable in a cooler weather,hand and feet are always cold.
-used sulphur of a 30x dose 4pills twice a day for 2 weeks only to make the whole thing worse.
-stopped eating seafood and taking omega 3 oils cos i have had a hx of allergies to seafood in my childhood.
-needless to say,i am stressing out majorly about them cos i never had this problem and puts my self esteem down to a negative100.
-diet is lots of fruit and veggies,lessened my spice intake,dont eat red meat and a big water drinker but a coffee drinker(about 3 cups a day and 2 cups of green tea)
-use only pears soap on my face and neutrogena non alcoholic toner.i use an aveeno sunscreen.
awaiting a reply/replies to put an end to my acne and its recurrences,i am so tired of trying to fight it.
ahalya24 on 2006-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In TCM (traditional chinese medicine), the areas of the face correspond to the body, and the space inbetween eyebrows is LIVER , so if you're getting breakouts in this area specifically , it's worth doing a liver detox. Cut out all stimulants including alcohol, tea and coffee (coffee HEATS liver and blood which, in TCM, shows up as heat condition on skin ie.boils & acne and is absolutely to be avoided), all dairy, red meats, saturated fats and eggs. Also AVOID all spicy foods eg. curry, cayenne pepper, chilli...
Eat lots of steamed veg, brown rice, pulses and beans esp. mung & aduki, lean chicken, fruits esp. cherries and strawberries, salads, watercress, onion , raw honey, basil and a little apple cider vinegar or lemons / lemon juice, flax seed oil.
Drink lots of pure water.
Look at the following bitter herbs which are great liver/blood cleaners - Burdock. yellow dock, echinacea, dandelion, oregon grape, chamonile and peony.
Your sole homeopathic remedy is
Nux Vom 6c.
Choose either the herbs or homeopathy. Not both together.
NO more benzol peroxide . This will make matters worse by driving condition into body, which is trying to throw to surface. Keep skincare simple and minimal fuss, nothing drying on the skin.
Eat lots of steamed veg, brown rice, pulses and beans esp. mung & aduki, lean chicken, fruits esp. cherries and strawberries, salads, watercress, onion , raw honey, basil and a little apple cider vinegar or lemons / lemon juice, flax seed oil.
Drink lots of pure water.
Look at the following bitter herbs which are great liver/blood cleaners - Burdock. yellow dock, echinacea, dandelion, oregon grape, chamonile and peony.
Your sole homeopathic remedy is
Nux Vom 6c.
Choose either the herbs or homeopathy. Not both together.
NO more benzol peroxide . This will make matters worse by driving condition into body, which is trying to throw to surface. Keep skincare simple and minimal fuss, nothing drying on the skin.
carlotta last decade
Thank you so much for replying b ack Carlotta.I have had white skin patches when i was 11yrs old and was told it was a result of poor liver function and was on a liver detox diet for 2 -3 yrs and had to take Liv 52 capsules,the white patches faded away in those yrs but i remember running from Dr. to Dr.and finally being cured by ayurvedic herbs and creams.Knowing that my liver might be a instigating this kind of a skin related problem seems to make sense.I think i will stick to the herbs,giving up coffees and teas would be my major hurdle to get over though:) Thank you again.
ahalya24 last decade
I have a silly question now about the herbs,how do i take them?the only way i can think of having them is to steep them as a brew.any other ways?!
ahalya24 last decade
that's very interesting! Obviously this is an area which you have to look after otherwise it shows up for you .. I would give it your all and I'm sure your health will reap the rewards.
If you can find the herbs in tincture form, this is probably the best way. You dilute with a little water and drink. Get a good brand from a good health food store. Look for a liver cleanse combination including those herbs i mentioned - if in doubt , write down what's in it and post here .
I would advise the Nux Vom also , as this is a big liver remedy in homeopathy. Either 6c or 30c .
Again, one or the other.
About the coffee - there are many good substitutes available that taste more like the real thing than you'd think ! Whole Earth do a good one. Check them out !
If you can find the herbs in tincture form, this is probably the best way. You dilute with a little water and drink. Get a good brand from a good health food store. Look for a liver cleanse combination including those herbs i mentioned - if in doubt , write down what's in it and post here .
I would advise the Nux Vom also , as this is a big liver remedy in homeopathy. Either 6c or 30c .
Again, one or the other.
About the coffee - there are many good substitutes available that taste more like the real thing than you'd think ! Whole Earth do a good one. Check them out !
carlotta last decade
and, really is best to avoid coffee (also peppermint, camphor..) when using homeopathy as antidote many rememdies, esp. if you take the Nux Vom
carlotta last decade
could you please tell me as to how many times in a day and the number of pills of nux vomica 6c i would need to take?thank again
ahalya24 last decade
Take 2 pills under tongue last thing at night on clean mouth . Don't eat or drink for 10mins before or after. Take for 5 days and report back. Any changes in that time report too..
carlotta last decade
thank you again for the reply.i am awaiting the medicine,i shall definitely report back about any changes once i start on it.
ahalya24 last decade on the third day of the medicine.seems like its clearing up,havent had any new breakouts but i am getting some small clusters of flesh coloured flare ups just below my cheek bones,they havent turned red or anything as yet.just a little concerned about it but otherwise,seems like it worked for between the brows.will i need to take the nux vom for more than 5 days now?
ahalya24 last decade
What mean by 'flesh coloured flair ups' - do these contain pus ? size ? how many ? Describe / explain ..
carlotta last decade
you can barely see them from a distance,are a cluster of 5 to 6,almost the size of a pinhead each.they do not contain pus and actually seem to have reduced in terms of size today.but i do have a new pimple coming up between the brows today,i am more concerned about that.i am still taking the medicine and keping away from coffees and black tea.i am having a white/green tea in the mornings since they have the least amt of caffeine with the first brew dunked and drink the second one(been told that you tend to pull out most of the caffeine that way)havent been putting any sort of external medication as you advised.
ahalya24 last decade
Sounds like 'milia' , which are trapped cells which become walled off into tiny cysts that appear like white beads below the surface of the skin. They are really common and can be result of over-use of heavy creams or some believe diet causes - over acidity in system or faulty fat metabolism...too much saturated fat + need for increase in EFAs Omega 3s & 6s .
obviously your choice but recommend that NO caffeine at all , even green tea. Monitor yr diet and note the foods that aggravate yr skin . again wd do well to pay particular attention to diet at this time - eat light , fresh, organic if poss foods - lighten the load off yr liver. No heavy, dairy, sat fats.
Increase Omega 3 oils eg. fish or flax seed .
Nothing over weekend then
Nux Vom 200c ONE dose
Mon last thing and WAIT .
obviously your choice but recommend that NO caffeine at all , even green tea. Monitor yr diet and note the foods that aggravate yr skin . again wd do well to pay particular attention to diet at this time - eat light , fresh, organic if poss foods - lighten the load off yr liver. No heavy, dairy, sat fats.
Increase Omega 3 oils eg. fish or flax seed .
Nothing over weekend then
Nux Vom 200c ONE dose
Mon last thing and WAIT .
carlotta last decade
Also note any changes in symptoms - nature of spots (different from before/duration/pus colour etc) , also sleep patterns, food craving, digestion, bowel move'nts, how you feel mentally - energy levels - how food is affecting yr mood eg. caffeine withdrawal if such..
carlotta last decade
will stick to the diet but i have been so used to having coffee since the past 7-8 yrs that its been a really hard time giving it up in a couple of days,not to mention the withdrawal symptoms.still need that morning cup of hot brew to get me started,esp since i deal with all kinds of patients and their moods/problems.i have to get around to taking flax seed oil.will probably take me a month atleast to incorporate the complete change in diet(more than what i am doing right now),more so since being an indian you tend to eat spicy food.will definitely keep you posted on any further changes:)
ahalya24 last decade
Hi this is to Carlotta,
I do hope you manage to read this, but I too am suffering from adult acne at the age of 36 and have never suffered with it before, and was just hoping that you could give me some advice. Do you think I may have the same Liver problem or something else, as mine are constantly along the jaw-line and under the cheek bones, really horrid big boil like spots that sit in the skin for weeks, and hardly ever come to a head. Would absolutley love to hear back from you, or from anyone else who knows anything about this. Thank you ever so much x
I do hope you manage to read this, but I too am suffering from adult acne at the age of 36 and have never suffered with it before, and was just hoping that you could give me some advice. Do you think I may have the same Liver problem or something else, as mine are constantly along the jaw-line and under the cheek bones, really horrid big boil like spots that sit in the skin for weeks, and hardly ever come to a head. Would absolutley love to hear back from you, or from anyone else who knows anything about this. Thank you ever so much x
xbluebellx last decade
ph1950 last decade
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