The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dr.deoshlok sharma - 4 week feed back Dental abscess
You kindly gave a advice last month and asked that I give feed back after 4 weeks on dental abscess problemI have taken the prescription you recommended i.e.
'you are advise to following prescription for one month and report me.
1. Calc Carb 1000C weekly one dose i.e. every sunday
2. Hekla lava 3x 1 tab three times in a day
if powder then 2 grain three times ina day'
The abscess went after a week or so but over the last few days there is a feeling of fullness/pressure building on the tooth again along with a very small pressure point on the gum near to the tooth.
Would you recommend I continue or adapt the prescription
your advice is greatly welcomed
fev1954 on 2006-08-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Now you will start the following prescription
1. Merc Sol 10M weekly one dose only
2. Hekla lava 3x or Hecla Lava 3x three times ina d ay for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
1. Merc Sol 10M weekly one dose only
2. Hekla lava 3x or Hecla Lava 3x three times ina d ay for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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