The ABC Homeopathy Forum
receding gums miracle massage
As instructed by kuldeep/giralal, I started massaging my gums daily with mustard oil. After several weeks of no noticeable improvement, I tried a dogs finger brush. After only two massages, my gums showed a significant improvement.My dentist had told me I had receding gums. At that time, I had no idea what that was until I checked my teeth carefully and noticed that my incisor teeth looked like vampire teeth. And it really scared me because I have always known that I have very small teeth.
This is far easier and costly than the extremely expensive and most likely painful procedure of tissue grafting that dentist prefer that we do.
kuldeep/giralal is correct when he says there should be an improvement in just two days.
Thanks kuldeep/giralal for sharing this miracle cure.
Pat2006 on 2006-09-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
greensparrow last decade
I meant to post a picture of my dog's finger toothbrush, but I currently don't have a floppy drive.
This is the best picture I found on the internet. Mine is clear instead of red.
The great advantage to using this sort of brush is that if you use it upside down on your finger, you gain access to the area behind your upper teeth.
Make sure to massage all four parts of your gums. The upper front as well as the rear and the bottom front as well as the rear.
(copy and past the link to your browser)
I meant to post a picture of my dog's finger toothbrush, but I currently don't have a floppy drive.
This is the best picture I found on the internet. Mine is clear instead of red.
The great advantage to using this sort of brush is that if you use it upside down on your finger, you gain access to the area behind your upper teeth.
Make sure to massage all four parts of your gums. The upper front as well as the rear and the bottom front as well as the rear.
(copy and past the link to your browser)
Pat2006 last decade
The other advantage to using the dog's finger brush is that it helps hold the oil.
Please use oil because otherwise it hurts.
I prefer mustard oil because it is thinner.
Do your massage first thing in the morning when your mouth is free of debri and before brushing your teeth first thing in the morning.
Please use oil because otherwise it hurts.
I prefer mustard oil because it is thinner.
Do your massage first thing in the morning when your mouth is free of debri and before brushing your teeth first thing in the morning.
Pat2006 last decade
here's a pic
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Pat2006 last decade
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