The ABC Homeopathy Forum
anal fistula
I had an anal abcess which now has turned into a fistula. Doctor says surgery will cure it. I have not taken any medications and have no complications. I need to know if homeopathy has a cure without surgery and also a homeopath doctor in New Jersey.manian66 on 2006-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sajjadakram635 last decade
If after using the Causticum 30c you do not have relief you are invited to visit:
Here you can read the testimony of many patients some of whom have had multiple encounters with surgery and discovered that the simple therapy that I suggested did work.
This therapy is not a quick fix but it has saved many from multiple surgeries.
Here you can read the testimony of many patients some of whom have had multiple encounters with surgery and discovered that the simple therapy that I suggested did work.
This therapy is not a quick fix but it has saved many from multiple surgeries.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you sajjad for suggesting Causticum. I am providing additional details.
1.Abcess was drained two months back. Immediately after drainage i was on antibiotic for one week.
2.I am not sure of any other complications like BP or diabetes - planning to test them.
given the above i have the following clarifications
1. Should i get my diabetes checked before getting into any medications.
2. Should i have a physical check with a homeopath before i take the medication
3. Can the fistula be cured without any surgery at all?
1.Abcess was drained two months back. Immediately after drainage i was on antibiotic for one week.
2.I am not sure of any other complications like BP or diabetes - planning to test them.
given the above i have the following clarifications
1. Should i get my diabetes checked before getting into any medications.
2. Should i have a physical check with a homeopath before i take the medication
3. Can the fistula be cured without any surgery at all?
manian66 last decade
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