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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Swelling of nerve due to heavy anxiety.

My mother has a problem of over anxiety due to which during extreme cases her nerve under the eye gets swollen up to an extent tht it becomes visible. Does anybody has any clue to the remedy in such a case? Kindly help me wid the same. Thank you.
  getgoing on 2006-09-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c in the wet dose may help her. It will relax her by increasing the blood flow in her body.

If she is overly stressed you can use Nat Mur 6c also in the wet dose twice daily.

Report results in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sure, thanx a lot !!
getgoing last decade
Joe, it just striked me that she has been prescribed with Arnica 6c in the wet dose by you. Would the intake of Arnica 30c and Arnica 6c be ok? Or is there any trade off that you suggest?
getgoing last decade
The lower potency will be replaced by the higher. I do not remember prescribing Arnica 6 to your mom. Please indicate in what context I have done so.
Joe De Livera last decade
Well, that was in context to Psoriasis. For your convenience, the url is:
getgoing last decade
I would prefer that you forget the swollen 'nerve' which I presume you mean a blood vessel as nerves are not usually visible under the skin.

I would prefer that you concentrate on the Psoriasis with the Arnica 6c as this is more urgent.
Joe De Livera last decade
ok, i agree.
getgoing last decade

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