The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Excessive dandruff.....Pls Help!!
Hi! Im 32, male suffering from excessive dandruff and it's getting worse and worse. I have had this for a long long time. I don't know when it actually started but one thing is for sure, my dad also suffers from it. His condition is not as bad as mine. I have like mountains of flaky dandruff on my scalp and its brown in colour. I can easily scrap it off from my head once its dry. Apart from that my hair is falling at a rapid rate. I have tried every possible remedy apart from homeo. I have used traditional asian remedies but to no avail. It is very irritating and gets very itchy after 3-4 days, I have to scratch it off my head and it all falls onto my shirt or on my pillow when I'm asleep. I'm not on any medication although I'm using Phytolacca Berry N by Schwabe to get rid of fat around my waist line. Can you please give me advice as to what medicine I should use. Would it be possible to advice Schwabe medicine as its readily availible in my area. Thank youvaz686 on 2006-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try Graphitis 1M one dose only and Pix Liquida 6c three times in a day for a month
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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