The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tonsil stones and tooth extraction
I have been reading through the threads trying to see if anyone has experienced what i'm going through now.Several years ago I suffered with tonsiliths and then they stopped. All great and fine and dandy.
4 weeks ago I got horrid toothache, going into week 2 of pain I started to get a foul taste in my mouth and eventually on friday 13th I had it taken out.
On the Saturday I dared to look and noticed instead of a blood clot there was a whitish fleshy lump in there, accompanied by a putrid smell and taste in my mouth.
Last night I was fed up of it and used a tooth pick to remove the white lump. To my surprise it was a large tonsilith.. the smell had me reeling and I had to lie down from feeling sick.
Today more have appeared only deeper and unreachable by toothpick. How can they have travelled through my jaw and into my tooth cavity? I am astounded.
3 years ago I had to have a salivary gland removed (same side of jaw)because of a large calcified stone growing in there. Could it actually have been a tonsilith and if so, HOW?
I am very confused as to how they travel, occur, and why they smell so foul.
Any helpers or similar experiences anyone?
jellybean on 2006-10-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most dentist don't know the correct procedure for removal of teeth, and cause cavitations to form. Follow this link for more info.
For expert advice on all thing dental go here. and Dr. Huggins are devoted to providing information and education to the public about dental materials.
Another good site is:-
The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
God Bless,
For expert advice on all thing dental go here. and Dr. Huggins are devoted to providing information and education to the public about dental materials.
Another good site is:-
The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
God Bless,
TimCam last decade
If you have tonsil stones you may want to read another forum also...
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
justmebyanyname last decade
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