The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Gasses in infant
What medicine should be given to 2 month baby for gasses and what would be the dose.iffi123 on 2006-10-18
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Hi iffi 123
Do you nurse your baby? Do you have gas trouble?
If your answer is yes for both then you(i.e the nursing mother) can take only one dose of carbo veg 30 to prevent the gastric trouble passing to your infant.(According to T.S. Iyer a renowned Indian homeopath). In fact its a kind of prophylaxis.
Even after that if the child is having gas trouble probably a well-indicated remedy for its symptoms must be given.
Do you nurse your baby? Do you have gas trouble?
If your answer is yes for both then you(i.e the nursing mother) can take only one dose of carbo veg 30 to prevent the gastric trouble passing to your infant.(According to T.S. Iyer a renowned Indian homeopath). In fact its a kind of prophylaxis.
Even after that if the child is having gas trouble probably a well-indicated remedy for its symptoms must be given.
♡ maheeru last decade
If you have lycopodium in any potency, give him a dose.
kuldeep last decade
I prefer Maheeru's advice.
Toddlers are never given medicines directly, as long as they are nursing. It is best for the mother to take it.
Carboveg is to be preferred as it is a prime remedy for gaseous condition.Lycopodium';s gas is a sort of trapped gas,and needs more careful study before prescribing.
We can take a chance with Carboveg, as its gas is more of a general nature ,compared to Lyco.
A single dose doesn't do harm, and it will do all the help it can.
Toddlers are never given medicines directly, as long as they are nursing. It is best for the mother to take it.
Carboveg is to be preferred as it is a prime remedy for gaseous condition.Lycopodium';s gas is a sort of trapped gas,and needs more careful study before prescribing.
We can take a chance with Carboveg, as its gas is more of a general nature ,compared to Lyco.
A single dose doesn't do harm, and it will do all the help it can.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
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