The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For god's sake I put up this request to those who involve in various hot discussion
We have a FREE FORUM,we have many knowledgeble homeopaths here and help others without expecting anything.Why each time hot discussin takes place?Knowledge doubles when you share with others,just remember this line and we all never know how long we are going to survive!!Right?Then why fight friends?Let's make this world full of joy and work as a team with a helping hand.What ever you do,god loves it,yes its true!People appericiate your efforts and bless you from their hearts when they recover fm any illness by taking any advises posted here.Take a positive note of it and make this forum a place where there is no hot discussion or exchange of hot words.Please this is my request.Moderator if you feel you can delete this msg of mine but what I wrote is comming from my heart.Happy Dipawali to all of you,cheers.turningpoint on 2006-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
kuldeep last decade
YUes Murthy's ie 'Bandar Baabu' unethical remark's against me in one of forum's post ' Over 9 year's fight with hair loss- Help me!' should be taken note of in by Moderator and this post initiator also.
freeconsult last decade
What is that unethical remark?
Calling a spade a spade?
If you want to know what is pseudo homeopathy read this post.
Calling a spade a spade?
If you want to know what is pseudo homeopathy read this post.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
i am not talking about pseudo homeopathy.
one can never address any one as ' these fellow'. bandarbabu2000/murthy also stated ' the hollowness of these pseudo homeopathy'.
one can never address any one as ' these fellow'. bandarbabu2000/murthy also stated ' the hollowness of these pseudo homeopathy'.
freeconsult last decade
These hot discussions might save this forum and those who come here looking for help.
Making statements over and over gives laymen the idea that those must be the truth. Claiming persecution for half-baked methodlogies is meant to give the writer a Christ-like cloak of fighting for truth. All some of the opposite opinion are trying to do is educate and remind patients who really know very little beyond 'homeopathy is harmless' (which is unfortunately not quite the case) that certain practices are liable to cause great trouble, sometimes years down the line. Which problems will have to be undone by some 'classical' (a sneer follows that adjective in the mixopathy posts) homeopath, because these guys will lift up their hands and say they don't know why, if, whether etc. (read Hahnemania's post 'Proof of the Pudding' - I think).
So let the debates continue - I think its good for everyone, except it gets offensive.
Making statements over and over gives laymen the idea that those must be the truth. Claiming persecution for half-baked methodlogies is meant to give the writer a Christ-like cloak of fighting for truth. All some of the opposite opinion are trying to do is educate and remind patients who really know very little beyond 'homeopathy is harmless' (which is unfortunately not quite the case) that certain practices are liable to cause great trouble, sometimes years down the line. Which problems will have to be undone by some 'classical' (a sneer follows that adjective in the mixopathy posts) homeopath, because these guys will lift up their hands and say they don't know why, if, whether etc. (read Hahnemania's post 'Proof of the Pudding' - I think).
So let the debates continue - I think its good for everyone, except it gets offensive.
ripas last decade
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