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Eruption after Calcarea carb in Asthma
Dear Sir's;My son have 12 years old, when he had 4 years old he had his first bronchospasm, and Homeopath give him Sulphur 200c every sunday during 4 weeks. The three first intakes of the medicine he got a bronchospasm the last one there were no problem. After that we travel to the US to a town near the rocky maountains and he did'n have any relaps over there. We return to Lima-Peru (99% of humidity)near the sea, during the summer he got a kind of eruption like flea bites on chest, back and limbs and feets, itching was terrible and he scratches until breaking the skin, the doctor recomend to wash his body with a iodine soap, the eruption was relieved. Three month later, finishing the fall season, he have a bronchospasm I take him to the hospital and they prescribe salbutamol and prednisona after that he have a new relaps and take another time the remedies. After that I analized him and the repertorization indicate Calc in first option and Ars. on second.
At a new relaps I give him Ars.30c for three days until ther were a little wheezling on the right lung, and no cough. For days later I gave him Cal. 200c in no more than an hour eruptions begin to appear in different parts of the body. Than another relaps take him to the hospital with a begining of focus neumonicus. After this he begin to have a relap evere monday then I give him Tuberculinum 200c because the periodicity and of the relaps and because I though that something is blocking the Calc. action. he got one month without relaps. Then another time relaps but not as severe as on the begining there is only wheezling at from seven to eigth o'clock getting better during the morning until next day then I give Calc. 1M the wheezling disapear until the past week when he went to his mother house near the sea. The symptoms was short breathing, wheezling in between 7 to eight a.m, Loud inspiration and expiration during the night, between 5 and 6 a.m he make like a gurgling sound during the expiration better when he move to the side, stopped nose when go to bed, allergy to the dust. I give him Calc. 10M all the symptoms disappear but the eruption comes inmediately in differnt parts of the body, they are like flea bites, red sorounding he scratches all the day and a thick yellow liquid get out of the eruption after a warm bath.I think that the derange is moving from inside to out side if somebody have experience with this kind of reation please let me know how do you manage it.
sergiorvil on 2006-11-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Sergio,
This reaction with a subsidence of the asthma symptoms are indicating that Calcarea Carb is the correct medicine.But Calcarea is a very deep and long acting medicine.Hence you should let it complete its action undisturbed at least for a month.Even after a month, do not repeat it automatically.Repeat it only if there is a relapse.Also notice whether with time the symptoms of asthma are weaker or not, attacks are becoming less fequent or not.
If you follow the thread on 'theory of suppression' started by Murthy, you will realize that a deeper level disease (asthma) reducing in intensity and symptoms apperaing on a superficial level (skin) is a sure shot curative sign.These eruptions will go away on their own taking away the asthma with it.
Hope it helps.
This reaction with a subsidence of the asthma symptoms are indicating that Calcarea Carb is the correct medicine.But Calcarea is a very deep and long acting medicine.Hence you should let it complete its action undisturbed at least for a month.Even after a month, do not repeat it automatically.Repeat it only if there is a relapse.Also notice whether with time the symptoms of asthma are weaker or not, attacks are becoming less fequent or not.
If you follow the thread on 'theory of suppression' started by Murthy, you will realize that a deeper level disease (asthma) reducing in intensity and symptoms apperaing on a superficial level (skin) is a sure shot curative sign.These eruptions will go away on their own taking away the asthma with it.
Hope it helps.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,
Thank you very much for your answare I'm, going to wait and watch. Today he is OK no respiration problems,eruptions are appearing in the feets but some of formers are begining to get dry,he scratches until they bleed. Sorry by my English it isn't very good.
If you can give me more information on how to get the literature of the Theory of Suppression I'm going to be so grateful, I had read about suppression from Dr.Praful Vijayakar and it could be very interesting to learn what Murthy teach about.
Thank you very much for your answare I'm, going to wait and watch. Today he is OK no respiration problems,eruptions are appearing in the feets but some of formers are begining to get dry,he scratches until they bleed. Sorry by my English it isn't very good.
If you can give me more information on how to get the literature of the Theory of Suppression I'm going to be so grateful, I had read about suppression from Dr.Praful Vijayakar and it could be very interesting to learn what Murthy teach about.
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio,
You are confirming what i said.The respiration problem is improving.Older eruptions are drying.Newer eruptions are coming near the feet (down and away from the lungs).All these are excellent curative signs.Calcarea Carb is his similimum and will cure if repeated judiciously.We can help you about when to repeat and in what potency if you keep us informed as his symptoms evolve.
You are confirming what i said.The respiration problem is improving.Older eruptions are drying.Newer eruptions are coming near the feet (down and away from the lungs).All these are excellent curative signs.Calcarea Carb is his similimum and will cure if repeated judiciously.We can help you about when to repeat and in what potency if you keep us informed as his symptoms evolve.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear rajiv
Thank you very much for your promptly and kindly attention I will be in contact. It could be good if the asthma get cure, in the last month he begin growing in heith and I hope that Calc. is going to help him with his obesity.
Thank you very much for your promptly and kindly attention I will be in contact. It could be good if the asthma get cure, in the last month he begin growing in heith and I hope that Calc. is going to help him with his obesity.
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio,
You have hit the bull's eye man!!Calcarea Carb is often indicated for obese children.Do not change this remedy so easily, no matter what any one says.Be in touch with me on this forum and i will guide you.
You have hit the bull's eye man!!Calcarea Carb is often indicated for obese children.Do not change this remedy so easily, no matter what any one says.Be in touch with me on this forum and i will guide you.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,
The past week Gabriel have a throat inflamation, I didn't give him any remedy, the inflamation relieves alone after that begins a runny nose with clear watery mucus.
Yeateday night he show me a little induration in the back of the left ear (Lower back. Today is more swollen and his trhoat is red. No fever and want to eat chicken soup no desires to chew. I was repertorizing these symptoms and apeear mer-i-f and Bar-c both not compatible or antidote calc-c than comes lach that can be because his left side and another time calc-c, I really be thinking in other dose of calc-c or maybe lach as and intercurrent. Please let me know your opinion. Thank you very much for your help.
The past week Gabriel have a throat inflamation, I didn't give him any remedy, the inflamation relieves alone after that begins a runny nose with clear watery mucus.
Yeateday night he show me a little induration in the back of the left ear (Lower back. Today is more swollen and his trhoat is red. No fever and want to eat chicken soup no desires to chew. I was repertorizing these symptoms and apeear mer-i-f and Bar-c both not compatible or antidote calc-c than comes lach that can be because his left side and another time calc-c, I really be thinking in other dose of calc-c or maybe lach as and intercurrent. Please let me know your opinion. Thank you very much for your help.
sergiorvil last decade
An excellent reaction, and just the kind of thing we hope to happen. Whatever you do, do not disturb it by applying any other remedies, drugs, creams or ointments.
The above is probably just an acute and will pass away on its own, give NOTHING, or you will disturb the reaction already initiated by the Calc.
Only REPEAT the Calc, when things come to an absolute standstill, and there is no further change in the condition. This should also be in a slightly higher potency, NOT the same one.
Good luck.
The above is probably just an acute and will pass away on its own, give NOTHING, or you will disturb the reaction already initiated by the Calc.
Only REPEAT the Calc, when things come to an absolute standstill, and there is no further change in the condition. This should also be in a slightly higher potency, NOT the same one.
Good luck.
Hahnemania last decade
Dear Jacob
Thank you for your answer, I took Gabriel to a clinic because the pain and to eliminate a case of mumps, He has been check by and Allopath pediatrist, well he told me that it is a ganglionar hypertrophy, the throat was OK,tonsils OK, but he prescribe Ibupofreno 200mg. and a antibiotic Posipen 500mg. Ha have a blood test tomorrow morning, I'm not going to give him the medicine prescribed only wait and watch until tomorrow.
I'm going to buy Calc-c LM 0/1 just in case He needed tonight
Thank you for your answer, I took Gabriel to a clinic because the pain and to eliminate a case of mumps, He has been check by and Allopath pediatrist, well he told me that it is a ganglionar hypertrophy, the throat was OK,tonsils OK, but he prescribe Ibupofreno 200mg. and a antibiotic Posipen 500mg. Ha have a blood test tomorrow morning, I'm not going to give him the medicine prescribed only wait and watch until tomorrow.
I'm going to buy Calc-c LM 0/1 just in case He needed tonight
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio,
Please wait and watch.Do not be in a hurry.Calcarea has set up a very deep and nice reaction.Some deep rooted problem has come to the surface.Just notice if the symptoms of this inflammation are changing from day to day or not.Because that will indicate that Calcarea is working.Don't give him any allopathic or homeopathic medicine to disturb Calcarea's action as Jacob said.
This will pass away on its own.How is he today?
Please wait and watch.Do not be in a hurry.Calcarea has set up a very deep and nice reaction.Some deep rooted problem has come to the surface.Just notice if the symptoms of this inflammation are changing from day to day or not.Because that will indicate that Calcarea is working.Don't give him any allopathic or homeopathic medicine to disturb Calcarea's action as Jacob said.
This will pass away on its own.How is he today?
♡ rajivprasad last decade
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Rajiv
Gabriel is with fever 38 Celsius, his face and eyes are red but not sweating, he feels pain when he move now is on bed but is hungry
Gabriel is with fever 38 Celsius, his face and eyes are red but not sweating, he feels pain when he move now is on bed but is hungry
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Rajiv
What you said is correct, I just remember that when I was in United States about 3 year ago he had an inflamation in the same place and the pediatrist give him antibiotic, after that he din't get sick, only some times with flu and I give him Phos acid and work perfect reaction was in less than and hour.
I'm going to wait and check the fever
What you said is correct, I just remember that when I was in United States about 3 year ago he had an inflamation in the same place and the pediatrist give him antibiotic, after that he din't get sick, only some times with flu and I give him Phos acid and work perfect reaction was in less than and hour.
I'm going to wait and check the fever
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio,
He is having a healing crisis.You can notice that he is not coughing.If you can wait it out, this crisis will subside.Use clothes wetted with water on his forehead to deal with the feverif needed.If there is a lot of pain in the inflammation, you can give a couple of doses of Belladona 30 at a gap of two hours.
He is having a healing crisis.You can notice that he is not coughing.If you can wait it out, this crisis will subside.Use clothes wetted with water on his forehead to deal with the feverif needed.If there is a lot of pain in the inflammation, you can give a couple of doses of Belladona 30 at a gap of two hours.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Sergio,
Our posts crossed.So, you can see that the three year old symptom which was suppresed by antibiotics has come to the surface.It is a sure sign of healing.Cancel Belladona.Forget about it unless the pain gets realy worse.Wait out the crisis and it will resolve on its own.
Our posts crossed.So, you can see that the three year old symptom which was suppresed by antibiotics has come to the surface.It is a sure sign of healing.Cancel Belladona.Forget about it unless the pain gets realy worse.Wait out the crisis and it will resolve on its own.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv
The fever is encreasing now is 39.5 C (103 Farenheit, with pain in the back of the head.
The fever is encreasing now is 39.5 C (103 Farenheit, with pain in the back of the head.
sergiorvil last decade
No harm in giving Belladonna 30C.Dissolve a few globules in a cup of water, stir it a few times and give a teaspoonful from that two or three times at half an hour interval.Keep reporting as to how he proceeds.I am online for next few hours.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
sergiorvil last decade
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv
I gave one teaspoon of Belladona 6C diluted,the fever continue, he is dizzy and with nausea. I'm going to give him another teaspoon
I gave one teaspoon of Belladona 6C diluted,the fever continue, he is dizzy and with nausea. I'm going to give him another teaspoon
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio, why are you even thinking about using LM's? are you a practitioner? You really should not be playing around with this scale unless you know what you are doing, this can completely screw up your sons health, both in the short and long term, and again, the remedy should NOT be repeated until this acute has passed and improvment ceases.
Oh well, it's your choice I guess while such things are available to the public, but this will not be the case for much longer...
Oh well, it's your choice I guess while such things are available to the public, but this will not be the case for much longer...
Hahnemania last decade
Dear Sergio,
Once the fever stabilises, that is stops climbing and the pain is tolerable, do not give any more medicines.Just let him be and he will recover from this acute situation on his own.
Once the fever stabilises, that is stops climbing and the pain is tolerable, do not give any more medicines.Just let him be and he will recover from this acute situation on his own.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv
Fever is between 39.5 and 39 Celsium for about 4 hours. I give him Belladona 3 times, He got dizzy and with nausea. Now he is sleeping and fever continue
Fever is between 39.5 and 39 Celsium for about 4 hours. I give him Belladona 3 times, He got dizzy and with nausea. Now he is sleeping and fever continue
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergio,
Just let him be as the fever is now steady and the child is sleeping.In all likelihood he will now recover on his own.
Don't give Belladona now.
Just let him be as the fever is now steady and the child is sleeping.In all likelihood he will now recover on his own.
Don't give Belladona now.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Hanemania,
You said it, no to much people know about LM potencies. Many people is afraid to use it. Hahneman used for chronic cases in his Paris Writtens and diluted as a medicinal solution can be gived continually until the patient get relieve it don't made aggravation.
Maybe what I don't ask in my before message is that I was thinking to give the LM in medicinal solution. I'm so grateful with your answer because it demosnstrate your preocupation of the health of my son and please continue helping me, sometimes is easier to prescribe somebody that you don't know, but I tell you that is very difficult with someone that you love like your own son.
thank you very much and for your tranquility I gave him Belladona 6C only and 3 times the fever continue in between 102 and 103 Farenheit.
I'm so grateful with you and with Rajiv, I will continue needing your help with my son.
You said it, no to much people know about LM potencies. Many people is afraid to use it. Hahneman used for chronic cases in his Paris Writtens and diluted as a medicinal solution can be gived continually until the patient get relieve it don't made aggravation.
Maybe what I don't ask in my before message is that I was thinking to give the LM in medicinal solution. I'm so grateful with your answer because it demosnstrate your preocupation of the health of my son and please continue helping me, sometimes is easier to prescribe somebody that you don't know, but I tell you that is very difficult with someone that you love like your own son.
thank you very much and for your tranquility I gave him Belladona 6C only and 3 times the fever continue in between 102 and 103 Farenheit.
I'm so grateful with you and with Rajiv, I will continue needing your help with my son.
sergiorvil last decade
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