The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic Tension Type Headache
I have been diagnosed with 'Chronic tension type headache'. The symptoms are poor concentration, heaviness in head and a sense of poor vision (although I can see everything fine whether it is far or close).Can you help me with some medicine.
raip74 on 2006-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Nat mur 30 one dose daily for a week and report
robina last decade
'raip74' :
Besides the above, Nesha-India, also suggests the following :
1. Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X
Take 4 tablets of each (as one dose). Let it dissolve on a clean tongue. Do this atleast 5 times a day, TILL SYMPTOMS PERSIST. Tentatively, you should feel better in about 7 days.
Above medicines are Triturated Bio-Chemic tissue remedies, and are 1000% safe without any aggravations. Do not change power / quantity of medicine. Try to give feed-back, over here, when you benefit on the above suggestions.
Also, Increase your sleeping duration.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Also read other INFORMATIVE articles / posts by Nesha-India :
Besides the above, Nesha-India, also suggests the following :
1. Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X
Take 4 tablets of each (as one dose). Let it dissolve on a clean tongue. Do this atleast 5 times a day, TILL SYMPTOMS PERSIST. Tentatively, you should feel better in about 7 days.
Above medicines are Triturated Bio-Chemic tissue remedies, and are 1000% safe without any aggravations. Do not change power / quantity of medicine. Try to give feed-back, over here, when you benefit on the above suggestions.
Also, Increase your sleeping duration.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Also read other INFORMATIVE articles / posts by Nesha-India :
Nesha-India last decade
Thanks Nesha and Robina for ur advice. I would like to tell you more about this sickness :
(1) I feel this sickness 95% of the time when I drink too much, but does not occur everytime I drink.
(2) Also Tension/Stress causes this, hence I would like to ask you what is the difference between myself and others coz I feel tension/stress like other people do. Why do I have this sickness?
(3) Also I suffer from Acidity and Indigestion. Could this sickness be due to acidity? I cannot sleep at night if I eat spicy or typical Indian food.
(4) Is this sickness due to some chemical imbalance because Doctors prescribe anti-depressents to cure this?
(5) Shall I take Nat mur 30 and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X as prescribed by you?
(6) Any dietary restrictions
(7) Any medicine to cure acidity
(8) Would you recommend Yoga for meditation?
(1) I feel this sickness 95% of the time when I drink too much, but does not occur everytime I drink.
(2) Also Tension/Stress causes this, hence I would like to ask you what is the difference between myself and others coz I feel tension/stress like other people do. Why do I have this sickness?
(3) Also I suffer from Acidity and Indigestion. Could this sickness be due to acidity? I cannot sleep at night if I eat spicy or typical Indian food.
(4) Is this sickness due to some chemical imbalance because Doctors prescribe anti-depressents to cure this?
(5) Shall I take Nat mur 30 and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X as prescribed by you?
(6) Any dietary restrictions
(7) Any medicine to cure acidity
(8) Would you recommend Yoga for meditation?
raip74 last decade
please give all your mental and physical symptoms to the prescribers.
your disease picture wil be clear if you describe all your symptoms in detail.
follow the case taking sheet sheet and then let nesha or robina suggest the remedy.
your disease picture wil be clear if you describe all your symptoms in detail.
follow the case taking sheet sheet and then let nesha or robina suggest the remedy.
♡ rishimba last decade
take gels 30 , 4 tab three times a day for 4 days n revert back
monachand last decade
Thanks Nesha and Robina for ur advice. I would like to tell you more about this sickness :
Physical Symptoms:
(1) Heaviness in Head on both sides (no pain) and Neck Pain. Heavy eyelids.
(2)Feel my vision is hampered although I can see everything clearly, whether far or close. Feels as if my brain and eyes are not coordinating
Mental Symtoms:
(1)Feel dull and slow when undergoing this sickness
(2) Loose interest in anything I like
(3) Although I am not suffering from Depression, but feel tensed and stressed when undergoing this sickness
Some Additional points too:
(1) I feel this sickness 95% of the time when I drink too much, but does not occur everytime I drink.
(2) Also Tension/Stress causes this, hence I would like to ask you what is the difference between myself and others coz I feel tension/stress like other people do. Why do I have this sickness?
(3) Also I suffer from Acidity and Indigestion. Could this sickness be due to acidity? I cannot sleep at night if I eat spicy or typical Indian food.
(4) Is this sickness due to some chemical imbalance because Doctors prescribe anti-depressents to cure this?
(5) Shall I take Nat mur 30 and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X as prescribed by you?
(6) Any dietary restrictions
(7) Any medicine to cure acidity
(8) Would you recommend Yoga for meditation?
Physical Symptoms:
(1) Heaviness in Head on both sides (no pain) and Neck Pain. Heavy eyelids.
(2)Feel my vision is hampered although I can see everything clearly, whether far or close. Feels as if my brain and eyes are not coordinating
Mental Symtoms:
(1)Feel dull and slow when undergoing this sickness
(2) Loose interest in anything I like
(3) Although I am not suffering from Depression, but feel tensed and stressed when undergoing this sickness
Some Additional points too:
(1) I feel this sickness 95% of the time when I drink too much, but does not occur everytime I drink.
(2) Also Tension/Stress causes this, hence I would like to ask you what is the difference between myself and others coz I feel tension/stress like other people do. Why do I have this sickness?
(3) Also I suffer from Acidity and Indigestion. Could this sickness be due to acidity? I cannot sleep at night if I eat spicy or typical Indian food.
(4) Is this sickness due to some chemical imbalance because Doctors prescribe anti-depressents to cure this?
(5) Shall I take Nat mur 30 and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X as prescribed by you?
(6) Any dietary restrictions
(7) Any medicine to cure acidity
(8) Would you recommend Yoga for meditation?
raip74 last decade
'raip74' :
Your major symptoms do point out to the Body Acidity symptoms, as described by yourself. Try to do major diet corrections and also include raw salads and fresh fruits (upto 50% of the diet, till symptoms and treatment goes on). Yoga & Meditation under an experienced & trained Yogist, will positively help you. TRY TO IMPROVE YOU SEDENTARY LIFE STYLE, which I suspect to be all the problems in your case.
Start reading and enjoying the following link, which will help you in your depression.
Link :
The anti-depressants mount UP the problems in the long term, hence I have suggested you the respective remedies as in my post dated 14th November. Try to follow them for 10-15 days and see how much changes occur in your symptoms. Keep posting your developments.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Your major symptoms do point out to the Body Acidity symptoms, as described by yourself. Try to do major diet corrections and also include raw salads and fresh fruits (upto 50% of the diet, till symptoms and treatment goes on). Yoga & Meditation under an experienced & trained Yogist, will positively help you. TRY TO IMPROVE YOU SEDENTARY LIFE STYLE, which I suspect to be all the problems in your case.
Start reading and enjoying the following link, which will help you in your depression.
Link :
The anti-depressants mount UP the problems in the long term, hence I have suggested you the respective remedies as in my post dated 14th November. Try to follow them for 10-15 days and see how much changes occur in your symptoms. Keep posting your developments.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
as suggested by nesha, you have to change your sedentary lifestyle.
cut down on your alchohol intake, avoid oily and spicy food, take plenty of water ( not during meals ), include in your routine at least 1/2 an hour of brisk walking, yoga or aerobics.
the remedy that is indicated for you is NUX VOM 200C.
take one dose of NUX VOM 200C just before sleeping at night. take it only for three consecutive nights.
as suggested by nesha, you have to change your sedentary lifestyle.
cut down on your alchohol intake, avoid oily and spicy food, take plenty of water ( not during meals ), include in your routine at least 1/2 an hour of brisk walking, yoga or aerobics.
the remedy that is indicated for you is NUX VOM 200C.
take one dose of NUX VOM 200C just before sleeping at night. take it only for three consecutive nights.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanks Nesha and Rishimba for ur replies.
Shall I take NUX VOM 200C and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X together as prescribed by you guys.
Shall I take NUX VOM 200C and Kali.Phos-12X + Ferr.Phos.-3X together as prescribed by you guys.
raip74 last decade
do not take NUX VOM if you are taking other remedies.
if the prescribed remedies do not give desired results, give a gap of at least 7 days and then start NUX VOM.
if the prescribed remedies do not give desired results, give a gap of at least 7 days and then start NUX VOM.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Raip74,
There are only 2 types of root cause with you for a all of your problems:-
2.Tension /stress
Again 'Acidity' is either from Tension/stress
taking high acidity food like alcohol/beer or oily foods.
One of my friend have same symptoms as you have. The only single way to get rid of this is regular walk/exercise (Morning and evening) Because of regular exercise/yoga (If possible join GYM), your blood circulation will improve and provide plenty of blood to your brain and help you to improve visibility, sharp Memory and get rid of 'unwanted thinking'
Please keep your self busy in listing music or watching your Favorite show so your mind will not think about extra.
Acidity is increasing your heart beat and creating problem in regular flow of blood to required parts of body.
You will see lot of improvements in your health with change in your life style and take your prescribed medicine as per schedule.
There are only 2 types of root cause with you for a all of your problems:-
2.Tension /stress
Again 'Acidity' is either from Tension/stress
taking high acidity food like alcohol/beer or oily foods.
One of my friend have same symptoms as you have. The only single way to get rid of this is regular walk/exercise (Morning and evening) Because of regular exercise/yoga (If possible join GYM), your blood circulation will improve and provide plenty of blood to your brain and help you to improve visibility, sharp Memory and get rid of 'unwanted thinking'
Please keep your self busy in listing music or watching your Favorite show so your mind will not think about extra.
Acidity is increasing your heart beat and creating problem in regular flow of blood to required parts of body.
You will see lot of improvements in your health with change in your life style and take your prescribed medicine as per schedule.
nav33259 last decade
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