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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acute to Chronic Urticaria

Dear All,

Im 23 yrs old, female and residing in Singapore.

Self hav been suffering from Urticaria since 13 yrs old & seeked help from both chinese & western GP but to no long-term avail. Months ago i experienced chronic attack and visited the hospital in the wee hourse due recurring rash that makes me feel suffocated as well. Was referred to specialist for various but no cure was effected.

I was prescribed anti-histamine and told to take is everyday without fail (to contain the rash) and more dosages during course of acute relapse etc...I have taken steriods in pills and injection forms before too but Dr did warn me of the possible side effects.

Im so disappointed and this illness is causing me to suffer from low morale. It gets worst when i am under stress and during exams period. WOrking and pursuing part-time degree, i need your help.

I can't afford expensive medicines, but sincerely hope to find a solution to this. It's affecting my performance in every way and killing me BIG time.

I suspect it is due to my diet at 13 yrs old where i ate no rice for a who year and dinner does not exist for the same year...it probably got aggravated when i had a failed relationship at 14. However, could not recall all the accompany events that happened then...

Now, I get the rashes on a daily basis and confirmed certain factors causing it such as peanuts, shells, when i intake too much tropical fruits (longans, durians etc), when i get stressed by deadline or exams. When i am in a bad mood, anxious over something. It can occur for what i feel 'no reasons' - even when i ensured proper diet and peaceful moods, still the rash appears.

May i know why? No other family has this illness and i feel lousy.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
  Ah bren on 2006-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If your urticarea alternates with any other ailment like allergy or reactions. Take Rhus Toxicodedrom 6c two times a day for two weeks.

If it is the result of Singapore's humid and hot weather, I recommend Tellurium 30 once a day at alternate days for at least two weeks.
pradip2007 last decade
Dear Pradip,

Appreciate your kind concerns and advises.

Though it plays a part in aggravating the urticaria, i believe hot weather here is not to main culprit.

Where could I get Rhus Toxicodedrom? May i know where are u located at?
Does anyone else know where i can get the above-mentioned remedy in Singapore?

Many thanks & Rgds,
Ah bren last decade
Dear Sir,

Noted yr below comments & will feedback to u in 3 days.

By the way, any restriction on the types of juices or suggested ones?

Best Rgds,
Ah bren last decade

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