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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal cyst

My son has pilonidal cust since few year.
I have given him myristica 200 followed by silica 6x and silica 200 as suggested in this forum in the month of June 2006.
Again in the month of september he had to take same remedies.
Now again after 3 months he has same problem. Yesterday I gave him Myristica 200 at night. But this time he has pain also and he cannot sit. Cyst is not yet burst. Please suggest some remedy for relief of pain and further course of action. Thanks.
  Reiki on 2006-12-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Reiki,

I wish you had got in touch with me directly earlier ...as you must have seen many have benefitted from my advice.

Donot start with Silicea until the cyst bursts.

Myristica is for bursting open the cyst.

If one does does not do the job, give second dose of Myristica 200 after 5 days...and another after 5 more days.

For pain...you can try Belladona 200 C ...three doses in a gap of half hour.

Will be lookng out for feed back on this thread.

Also make sure your pharmacy is giving you good quality meds.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks for quick response. I have given him medicines earlier as per your guidance in this forum. Now I will give him bell 200 as suggested by you. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
If the cyst is paining...it might burst open soon.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj,
Once it bursts then I have to start with silica 6x or 30c.Thanks
Reiki last decade
Dear Pankaj,
My son's pain is reduced considerably with 2 doses of bell 200. His cyst is just burst. Should I start with silica 6x of 6c or 30c. please advice. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
Great...wait for 24 hours. If pain comes back ...give Bell again.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Please tell me after 24 hours which remedy I have to start. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
Silicea 6C (..not 6X) or 30C

..three times per day..for a week.
After 3/4 days post feed back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Pankaj,
I will give him silica 6 c from tomorrow evening. For my knowledge can you tell me on what basis you suggested bell for pain. Just learning. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
Hello Reiki,

I read many books over and over again...and I gave you that reply from memory..in an instant after reading the question.

However, some books have said ...if abcess is painful then first try Belladona. If it fails ..then look for other meds...coz in 90% cases it will take away the pain.

Have found it to be correct many times.

I did not repertorise.

However...if there is redness around the abcess and pain is of throbbing nature ...then Belladona is certainly called for.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sorry ...abcess = abscess.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Punkaj,great!—this is the right way to serve humanity.On some other forums unless a cheque of handsome amount is presented they do not entertain.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks ...Sajjad Bhai.

Sab ka Malik Ek !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I just posted recently on a thread 'pilonidal for machesis type'.

I see Pankaj that you recommend Belladona here if it's red and sort of throbbing - which mine is! Should I have taken belladona first?

Thank you.
smarie last decade
sorry - machesis should be 'lachesis'
smarie last decade
Was out of town..have just returned. Sent you a mail in reply to your mail.

You can take Belladona to reduce the pain. However...for full cure follow advise in e-mail.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks so much, Pankaj! I will continue two more days on one does Myristica and get back to you!
smarie last decade
Post feed back in 4/5 days.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj - just one question - should I still continue the hepar sulphuris during this or only be doing Myristica?
smarie last decade
Only Myristica.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Mr. Pankaj,
I have been giving silicea 6 to my son since past 5 days, still little watery discharge is coming out. Do you think I should continue with silica 6 only till it dries up. The cyst is also reduced in size. Please advise. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
Hi Reiki...

Continue with Silicea 6 for 3 days...let the cyst drain out completely.

Clean the area with luke warm water...then apply Calendula cream.

Don't be in a hurry to dry it up ....other wise some pus will be left trapped inside.

Post feed back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Mr. Pankaj, It is more than week now that my son has been taking silica 6. Yesterday I have given him Silica 200 dose. Now do I have to give him Hepar sulphur 200 today. Please advise. Thanks.
Reiki last decade
What is the condition of the cyst??

Has it drained out fully??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Yes it has drained fully, reduced in size and no discharge is coming out.
Reiki last decade

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