The ABC Homeopathy Forum
astmathic problem:cough, green sinus, green vaginal discgharge and irritation.
hi,I am very sensitice to humidity and all my problems are related to humid climate which we have in chicago.
Since I moved here I started to gest chest congestions, runny nose ended with bakterial yellow-greenish discharge, many streptoccocus problems.
I took nat sulph last time and since than I am not the same person.
Of course I don't know if this is gonna be enough to keep only to nat sulph, but so far I feel wonderful(especially mentally: power, will of action, even my muscle are no more so stiff)
I use occasionally also mercurius solubilis and hepar sulph, which help me a lot with any bacterial invasions.
I don't know if can stay on nat sulph for a longer time.
I'm taking it since 2 days and feel wonderful.
flowergirl on 2006-12-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Which potency of Nat.sulph you are using? How many times in a day?
If you are feeling wonderful, it is time to stop taking it. Repeat only when necessary.
If you are feeling wonderful, it is time to stop taking it. Repeat only when necessary.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I took the nat sulph 30 C. once a day.(since 3 days)
I took this remedy, because in last days I experienced a come back of my chicago 'illness', which is allergic tendency to have astmatic shallow breath and feeling like sick from the humidity, which is always strong in place I live.
After taking it I startet to feel very strong, very happy and self-aware.!!!
(hephar sulph made me also that happy on the beginning and changed a lot for better when I was having pus formation and some streptococcus problems)
Living in strong humidity makes me sad and I seem not to know what I want, very depressive feeling existing since I moved here (6 years).
I just changed me from day to day the change of climat.
My allergy test say, that I have 100% allergy to humidity and mold.
I contact with mold and too humid places (even just hmid climate) I get automatically chest congression with green thick discharge, green bacterial pus-like sinus infection and completely long lasting depression.
Another thing is that my chronic (!!!) COUGH AND SINUS dripping just disappered after the nat sulph and the reason why I take the nat sulph more than 1 day is that cough and sinus just disappeared righ away after taking this medicine.
May be that improoving from nat sulph?
Or I am just having kind of illusion?
** right after first dose of nat sulph 30 C I got automatically aggrevation of my old symptoms, which I never thought are linked to nat sulph . On my hands appeared lot of blisters (very tiny tiny) filled with water. (my old well known symptom)Another thing is, that i had very strong vaginal itching...I suffer since 6 years from bacterial vaginosis (chronic itching in that area with yellow-greenish discharge , which test confirm as a still comming back stereptoccocus infection)
I had since 6 years many times the nat sulph symptoms, but never thouht it is linked to nat sulph.
But while aggrevation my cough and nose discharge disappered and they come back after one day ...but disappeared for next 24 hours or so right after taking dose of nat sulph.
Should I stop taking nat sulph?
But what with my cough and runny nose.???
For them nothing seems to work...Only the last 3 days are free of them right after taking nat sulph.
I took the nat sulph 30 C. once a day.(since 3 days)
I took this remedy, because in last days I experienced a come back of my chicago 'illness', which is allergic tendency to have astmatic shallow breath and feeling like sick from the humidity, which is always strong in place I live.
After taking it I startet to feel very strong, very happy and self-aware.!!!
(hephar sulph made me also that happy on the beginning and changed a lot for better when I was having pus formation and some streptococcus problems)
Living in strong humidity makes me sad and I seem not to know what I want, very depressive feeling existing since I moved here (6 years).
I just changed me from day to day the change of climat.
My allergy test say, that I have 100% allergy to humidity and mold.
I contact with mold and too humid places (even just hmid climate) I get automatically chest congression with green thick discharge, green bacterial pus-like sinus infection and completely long lasting depression.
Another thing is that my chronic (!!!) COUGH AND SINUS dripping just disappered after the nat sulph and the reason why I take the nat sulph more than 1 day is that cough and sinus just disappeared righ away after taking this medicine.
May be that improoving from nat sulph?
Or I am just having kind of illusion?
** right after first dose of nat sulph 30 C I got automatically aggrevation of my old symptoms, which I never thought are linked to nat sulph . On my hands appeared lot of blisters (very tiny tiny) filled with water. (my old well known symptom)Another thing is, that i had very strong vaginal itching...I suffer since 6 years from bacterial vaginosis (chronic itching in that area with yellow-greenish discharge , which test confirm as a still comming back stereptoccocus infection)
I had since 6 years many times the nat sulph symptoms, but never thouht it is linked to nat sulph.
But while aggrevation my cough and nose discharge disappered and they come back after one day ...but disappeared for next 24 hours or so right after taking dose of nat sulph.
Should I stop taking nat sulph?
But what with my cough and runny nose.???
For them nothing seems to work...Only the last 3 days are free of them right after taking nat sulph.
flowergirl last decade
It looks like all your problems are relieved after taking nat.sulph 30C.
That means the medicine acted in a positive way, and it is not wise to disturb its action, by repeating it.
Please stop taking the medicine and observe response.
If symptoms come back, post them here. We will tell you how to use a maintainance dose, if required.
That means the medicine acted in a positive way, and it is not wise to disturb its action, by repeating it.
Please stop taking the medicine and observe response.
If symptoms come back, post them here. We will tell you how to use a maintainance dose, if required.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear fbeye or flowergirl,
In my humble opinion, Nat Sulph is your 'similimum'.I hope you understand what this term means.Nothing on this planet matches the healing power of a good 'similimum'.So, when your symptoms have subsided and you feel great, it is best to stop dosing yourself as overdosing is never good in homeopathy.Again repeat the Nat Sulph in higher potency i.e. 200, and in a short while you will become a real 'FLOWERGIRL'.
All the best.
In my humble opinion, Nat Sulph is your 'similimum'.I hope you understand what this term means.Nothing on this planet matches the healing power of a good 'similimum'.So, when your symptoms have subsided and you feel great, it is best to stop dosing yourself as overdosing is never good in homeopathy.Again repeat the Nat Sulph in higher potency i.e. 200, and in a short while you will become a real 'FLOWERGIRL'.
All the best.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Sorry, in the last line, I meant take Nat Sulph 200 when there is a slight return of symptoms.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
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