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Arnica Montana: Sulphur:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nat sulph 6c; arnica 30c and nat phos 6x--are these remedies compatible?

Hello, I posted my case on 12/07/06, unfortunately I only had one partial response to my questions. In a nut-shell, I suffer from depression, ashma, severe hair loss (all of them are chronic ailments) and a very low metabolism that refuses to shed pounds, no matter how little I eat. I have been taking arnica 30c in the wet dose for a month, I have noticed somewhat of an improvement in the amount of hairs I shed and I've noticed my depression getting slightly better. For which I am profoundly greatful, no matter how little the improvement.

I would like to know if I could take nat phos 6x for my weight problem and nat sulph 6c for my asthma. Are they compatible medications?
I would very much appreciate it if someone was kind enough to answer this posting. Thank you so much, paloma
  paloma 2 on 2006-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One medicine at a time is proper homeopathy.

That one medicine suitable for you is to be decided after taking a complte case.

You have to answer lot of questions to understand you and your problems completely.

If you are willing to do that, stop taking all medicines, give a gap of two weeks and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you for answering my posting. I am not taking all these medicines, just the arnica 30 C.

I did the questionaire and the medicine prescribed was arsenicum album. However I don't have any idea as to the dosis or potency. Can you suggest it?
thank you Murthy. Paloma
paloma 2 last decade
Who suggested Ars. to you?

Can you give the url of that thread?

gavinimurthy last decade
I simply went to the Remedy Finder of this web site and filled out my symtoms: asthma, depression, hair loss. Arsenicum album was the remedy suggested.

by the way, I was on arnica 30C, wet dose for a month, and whereas at the beginning I got a slight reduction in the amount of hairs falling, that number is begining to increase again, specially after I put the oil/arnica tincture mixture on my scalp. Any ideas? thank you Murthy!
paloma 2 last decade

I will take up your case.

Stop taking every thing.

Remind me after 1st Jan.

This much gap is required for your symptoms to stabilise.

gavinimurthy last decade
Biochemic salts can be taken in combination. If Nat Sulph and Nat Phos are taken as biochemic salt then I don't see why he could not take it together....of course he's taking nat sulph 6c for asthma - not too sure why. But here's a good formula for asthma :

Triple Complex BronchoSoothe ingredients

Kali Phos - biochemic tissue salt prescribed for the treatment of nervous asthma, tight coughs and hay fever

Mag Phos - biochemic tissue salt to quickly ease chest and throat constriction and bronchospasm

Nat Sulph - biochemic tissue salt classically used as a natural broncho-dilator, to remove phlegm from the chest and soothe and heal mucous membranes

In any case biochemic is not homoeopathy as some would argue.
chiongguo last decade
The process of making tissue salts upto 6X is based on the homeopathic method of preperation.

In case the biochemic theory differs from the homeopathic theory ,how do we reconcile them?

The biochemic salts can be considered homeopathic medicines too. In fact most of the Susshler's indications tally when these salts are proved.

However, the problem comes when we insist that biochemical salts can be taken together, whereas homeopathy precludes it.

How can one sort out this dilemma?

Can there be certain indications, when it is likely to work as per biochemic theory ,and hence taking two or more of them together can be allowed?

Similarly, are there some other conditions, where one medicine at a time should be tried even at 6X potencies, and it should be taken one medicine at a time only?

I am yet to makeup mind as to the above questions, and still am not very clear on the above aspect of biochemic medicines.

I welcome further discussion.

gavinimurthy last decade

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