The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nat Phos Aggravation..!!!
Respected members of the forum, three days back I gave two doses of Nat Phos 6x to one of my relative as per someone's advice on this forum that it is good for weight loss. she is 36 years old. After taking the medicine, she is feeling pain in her stomach and some times in her abdomen area too. this is now third day and there is no change in the situation. her belly also came out a bit within these three days after taking just two doses of the medicine. Please guide me if there is any thing I can do to subside her pain..she feels better for some time after having food. many thankshomeo123 on 2006-12-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop Nat.phos.
Give her a single dose of Carb.v 6c or 30c whichever is available.
Post response after 24 hours, after giving Carb.V
Give her a single dose of Carb.v 6c or 30c whichever is available.
Post response after 24 hours, after giving Carb.V
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,
Thanks for your reply. She took only two doses of Nat.P 6x that day and no more after that.I gave her Carbo.V 30 one dose the very next day in the night after she took those only two doses. she did feel immediate relief but in the morning when she woke up she felt pain which was even worse than she had been feeling previously! I just stoped giving the medicine and came to the foram here. Still there is no relief in the pain. Her abdoman and stomac area seems to be swelled and getting worse.. waiting desperately for your opinion..
Thanks for your reply. She took only two doses of Nat.P 6x that day and no more after that.I gave her Carbo.V 30 one dose the very next day in the night after she took those only two doses. she did feel immediate relief but in the morning when she woke up she felt pain which was even worse than she had been feeling previously! I just stoped giving the medicine and came to the foram here. Still there is no relief in the pain. Her abdoman and stomac area seems to be swelled and getting worse.. waiting desperately for your opinion..
homeo123 last decade
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