Homeopathy Forum Archive: damiana
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☤ Damiana - single homeopathic remedyBelow are posts from our forum containing the phrase damiana. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
8 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for damiana:
Damiana 2 Can I use Damiana Q and selenium metallicum 30c daily? 3
Damiana Q is general medicine for sexual weakness in males. Selenium helps in Erection, ejaculation issues, constipation etc., I have studied this and match few symptoms such as ...
Remedies: Selenium
Started by letmedothis. Last post: 2024-03-21Damiana Q , Agnus Castus Q , Selenium 7CH 3
hi I am 28y male and 78kg weight and got married 4 months ago. From past 4 month I am trying to have sex but my penis is not getting hard enough so that we can have sex. So i v...
Remedies: Agnus Castus
Started by zishan_1384. Last post: 2018-12-04Lycopodium 200 and damiana MT combo? 5
36 year old married male. Two kids. No medical conditions. All blood tests, stress test, cardio-echogram normal. Tried many herbal and homeo before but no effect on my PE conditio...
Started by rizdagr8. Last post: 2014-03-07Damiana 1
Dear Group Friend And Experts. Please guide me about dosage of Damiana and who can consume it....
Remedies: Damiana
Started by jetnee123. Last post: 2014-01-15Damiana pentarkan ptk 40 1
do u have to take damiana pentarkan ptk 40 with water or without water....
Started by jassie. Last post: 2013-09-29Damiana 1
Dear Dr. I need help on a personal medical issue. I am married 39 years old with one son. I am facing erection problems and early ejaculation, some times while just kissing & fon...
Started by sunnyfrnk. Last post: 2010-09-24Can i used Damiana Q? 1
Hello drs: i posted a msg but did not get answer...i m married for 2 years but yet did not get a child.....can i start damiana Q?...
Started by Ahmer. Last post: 2008-07-13Cydonia vulgaris 30 c and damiana q 1
Dear Dr. Does these two medicine have any role for increasing sexual power? Cydonia vulgaris is suppose to increase penis size and damiana Q for premature ejaculation. Is that true...
Remedies: Damiana
Started by roughedge. Last post: 2008-03-29
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If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.