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Homeopathy Forum Archive: gray hair

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase gray hair. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

32 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for gray hair:
Grindelia Robusta2
Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)2
Lycopodium Clavatum2
Phosphoricum Acidum2

Dandruff gray hair and fallng hair 6

Plz help me to homeopathy medicines or hair oil make at home. for dandruff and gray hair and falling hair plz help. [message edited by dabhi99 on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 06:02:48 UTC][me...
Remedies: Alpha-dinitrophenolum, Skookum Chuck, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)
Started by dabhi99. Last post: 2025-02-27

Execesive hair loss, gray hairs and constipation 7

Hello all, I am 35 year old male, 90kg and height 5.7 inches. I had diagnosed with Covid on November 14, 2020 and I have recoverd from it now. While being positive I was havin...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Lecithin
Started by aly.irshad. Last post: 2021-12-20

Can gray hair reverse black 1

how can i reverse my gray hair in to black...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum
Started by adrija dilip. Last post: 2017-10-12

Can gray hair reverse black 0

how can i reverse mt gray hair in to black...
Started by adrija dilip. Last post: 2017-10-06

Can gray hair reverse black 0

how can i reverse gray hair in to black...
Started by adrija dilip. Last post: 2017-10-06

Too much hairfall and gray hair 7

Im suffering of too much hair fall and gray hair for the last four years. It appears that my hair is now only one fourth of what it was 5 yrs back. There is no dandruff, no constip...
Started by ravindralalsahu. Last post: 2015-03-09

Gray hair and hair loss 1

my age is 33. i am habitual in masterbating. since last year i have noticed that my hair are becoming gray with rapid speed. more i have also noticed that my hair loss has increas...
Started by brave. Last post: 2014-11-16

Sudden increase in gray hair 10

I have had a few gray hairs for about 13 years. Suddenly, in the last 3-5 months all the hair along my hairline and large clumps on top of my head are coming in gray. I attribute t...
Remedies: Ignatia Amara
Started by DanielaE. Last post: 2014-04-08

Gray hair and bledness 1

I am 33 y old (female). I am working. But gray hair stated for me in the age of 10 itself. Please suggest me good homeopathy medicine for gray hair become black. Whole my head sp...
Started by swati. Last post: 2013-12-11

Gray hair 1

I am 25 yr old female with gray hair problem. I started getting gray in early 20s and now i am almost 30-40% gray....
Started by swati. Last post: 2013-11-19

Sudden increase in gray hair 1

I have noticed gray hairs sporadically over 13 years. Within the last 3-4 months, there has been a sudden increase to my entire hairline and clumps on top of my head. I attribute t...
Remedies: Camphora , Solanum Tuberosum, Mentha Piperita
Started by DanielaE. Last post: 2013-09-11

Sudden increase in gray hair 0

I have had success finding remedies for other conditions here do I thought I would try for this. I have noticed gray hair on & off since I was 25. I turn 40 next month & all of a s...
Started by DanielaE. Last post: 2013-09-07

Baldness & gray hair 0

I am 32 years male working in Financial Firm. I usually stay all the day in office but need to travel 3 hours in Bus. I have very less hair in middle of my head and I fear this lea...
Started by kolrahul. Last post: 2013-05-23

PC-KUS cure for Vitiligo and Gray Hair 1

Google International Business Times article PC-Kus cure for Vitiligo and Gray hair. Article date is may 9,2013 This has been in the news for a few days now, but this article exp...
Started by simone717. Last post: 2013-05-12

Premature gray hair 1

I have a 18 year old daughter. And today I suddenly noticed 8-10 strands of gray hair on the top of her hair. I tried searching in the forum for any similar cases, but didnt find a...
Started by suna711. Last post: 2013-03-14

Gray Hair Problem 0

Hello, I am 30 years old and facing gray hair issue from last 7/8 years. now, I can see that in then middle part of my head the number of white hairs are increasing.. Otherwise,...
Started by GrayHairProblem. Last post: 2013-02-01

Sinus and Gray hair 8

Dr Kadwa I have been suffering from sinus from past 2 years, initially I treated it with Allopathy but it keeps coming back. My right side of the face is affected more, headache a...
Remedies: Naja Tripudia, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)
Started by shabnamansari40. Last post: 2012-12-05

Gray hair 1

Hi! Due to a Cyanocobalamin intoxication my hair is turning gray really fast. I'm a 32 yeard old woman and my constitutional remedy is Lycopodium Clavatum. Can you help me?, t...
Started by hoogie. Last post: 2012-09-03

Dr.joe de livera help hair fall and gray hairs 4

Dr.JOE my hair are becoming gray and they are getting thin also, what should i take......
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by jasim_2k. Last post: 2011-02-16

Gray hair at 35yrs 1

Dear doctors! i'm 35 year old man having gay hair on my head. The graying (At present some portion of front side and crown areas)is increasing gradually.I dont hav any other h...
Started by pradeepx28. Last post: 2011-02-11

Gray hair 2

HI, I'M 37 YEARS OLD.I have a lot of gray hair. I started almost 2 years ago. I have had much stress in the pasts two years. Can anybody help me please. I know that phospho...
Started by homeopathy123. Last post: 2011-01-25

Gray hair - balck 0

Hi I am 33 y old (femeale). I am working. But gray hair stated for me in the age of 28 itself. Please suggst me good hoemeyopathi medicine for gray hair become black. Whole my ...
Started by jdayal. Last post: 2010-09-27

Gray Hair and Folliculitis 8

Female Age 30 Height 5' Weight 102lbs. Married 1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Gray hair showing rapidly and folliculitis on legs. 2. When did this problem begin? A yea...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by elena79. Last post: 2009-12-29

Gray hair -- all the docs here, pls help 15

I am 30 yr old female with gray hair problem. I started getting gray in early 20s and now i am almost 30-40% gray. I am overall healthy mother of a toddler.No major health issues. ...
Started by namesake. Last post: 2009-09-18

Gray hair 6

hi, I am 32 and have a lot of gray hair. what is freaking me out is that it seems to be increasing every day. Some history - I starting graying at around 20. But it was just a f...
Started by SmeetaM. Last post: 2009-09-01

Gray Hair Problem 6

I am 25 Years old and i m suffering gray hair problem.There are many gray in my head. Its Increase very faslty. So any treatment available for reversed this gray or any treat ment ...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Grindelia Robusta
Started by abukari007. Last post: 2008-09-28

Gray hair 2

i am 35 yrs old.about 30% hair are gray.any treatment?...
Remedies: Grindelia Robusta
Started by malaviya. Last post: 2008-05-21

Lycopodium and gray hair 6

If someone takes Lycopodium(a child) and gets a couple fo gray hairs, what does that mean? Does that mean it's the right remedy or the wrong remedy?...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by cmo77. Last post: 2008-03-09

Gray Hair 0

Hi, I am 31 year old with lot of gray hair. Now a days it is spreading rapdily. Is there some kind of medicine which i can use to stop graying....
Started by neeru. Last post: 2007-01-03

Treatment for Premature gray hair 11

Hi all, I have been desperately looking for a remedy to get rid of my gray hair which started to appear when i was 14. Now Iam a 24 year old female and have so much of gray h...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Phosphorus
Started by Sudhishtna. Last post: 2006-12-14

DR SAJJAD : premature gray hair 1

Dear Doctor Sajjad My name is Eliran im 27 year old male, with problems of substantial sexual excessiveness, sexual passion, irritability, nervousness, some OCD and anger disposiot...
Remedies: Allium Sativum
Started by Eliran1. Last post: 2006-06-27

Premature gray hair 4

hi, i saw some posting on premature gray hair, also saw some remedies etc, i'm 28 and having a lot of gray hair. i'm physically fit go to gym almost everyday though i ha...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum
Started by kaushik. Last post: 2006-05-23

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.