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Homeopathy Forum Archive: herpes simplex

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase herpes simplex. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

11 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for herpes simplex:

Female Herpes Simplex Virus 2 9

Hello, I have been married faithfully for 16 years, last year I was diagnosed with HSV2. First couple of break outs were 5 months apart and on my buttock. Lately I have been get...
Remedies: Hypericum Perforatum, Mercurius Solubilis, Arsenicum Album, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kali Phosphoricum, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Fluorata, Silicea
Started by MPall. Last post: 2022-06-25

Herpes simplex 2 & 1, & hpv 15

Does homeopathic Herpes Simplex 2 get rid of Herpes Simplex 2 in the body? Does Homeopathic Herpes Simplex 1 get rid of Herpes Simplex 1 in the body? Is there a remedy for HPV? ...
Remedies: Medorrhinum
Started by sweetyogi36. Last post: 2016-12-18

Herpes simplex 0

Has anyone found something other than the amino acid Lysine as a preventative?...
Started by Fovea disc. Last post: 2015-11-03

Nawaz khan sir pls help Herpes simplex virus 2 11

Sir I was told by a homeo doc that I have herpes virus 2. he gave some pils n many liquids.after taking the pills,small sores om the penis tip are slowly going off.with difficulty ...
Remedies: Viola Odorata
Started by homeopathylover. Last post: 2013-03-20

HELP PLEASE - ILL for 3 months since taking homeopathic remedy for Herpes Simplex 3

Hi, I'd be really grateful for any advice. I was prescribed Deseret Biologicals Herpes Simplex Series Therapy by a Functional Medicine Practitioner. I have NEVER had a co...
Remedies: Spongia Tosta
Started by Ruby04Tuesday. Last post: 2012-10-19

Herpes simplex 3

I amtrying to research herpes simples virus and flu like symptoms beofore a period. There were posting on april 17 ,2005 from a lady with flu like sypmtoms ( earthmother)I wonder ...
Started by annette doody. Last post: 2010-02-22

Remedy for Herpes Simplex Mouth Infection? 2

Hi, Myself and my three kids suffer from infection due to herpes simplex virus in the mouth often times. We do tend to eat nuts every other day which triggers the virus. I ha...
Started by mimo28. Last post: 2009-09-01

Herpes simplex 0

Dear doctors, I felt some kind of small water based rash kind of thing on tip of the pennis and came to known that it is herpes. I have seen some small kind of the same thing eve...
Started by ksreedhar123. Last post: 2009-01-24

Herpes simplex nosode in US? 1

I've read several times that I should try the Herpes Simplex Nosode to help with recurrent cold sores, but I can't find anyone who carries it in the US. I found a compan...
Started by reader. Last post: 2008-01-02

Herpes simplex on lips 17

Hello, I have a herpes simplex one on my upper lip. I noticed it this morning.It comes after stress (mostly emotional, also sometimes physical), usually when I have catched cold (...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Zincum Metallicum, Melissa, Apis Mellifica, Borax, Dulcamara, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Graphites, Rhus Tox, Petroleum, Silicea
Started by Maria&boys. Last post: 2005-03-08

Herpes Simplex 5

Can Sulpher help cure skin herpes (not the sexual type). I've had it on my hands for a couple of years now. Never quite seems to go away....
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by mpolyglottos. Last post: 2004-07-11

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.