Homeopathy Forum Archive: syphilinum
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☤ Syphilinum (Luesinum) - single homeopathic remedyBelow are posts from our forum containing the phrase syphilinum. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
6 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for syphilinum:
Syphilinum (Luesinum) 4 How do you anti dote or reduce the affect of syphilinum 10M? 2
I have heard taking the same remedy in water will reduce our stop the ill effects/ aggravation. Is that true? Thanks...
Started by Rorpere. Last post: 2024-07-19Syphilinum 3
Ater reading this webiste I feel that I would benefit from syphilinum. Is it best to go to a local homeopath rather than self diagnose? Thanks...
Started by Ampsabelle. Last post: 2014-09-14Syphilinum and Silica 12
I have taken Syph. in the 30c in the past and presently in the 200c and have reacted badly (well, agrivated fatigue and a few other things) and dont know if i should let it ride or...
Remedies: Syphilinum (Luesinum), Silicea, Graphites, Mercurius Vivus, Belladonna
Started by openeye5. Last post: 2012-12-03Chronic Lymes Symptoms after Syphilinum 10M Miasm 4
I just tested by 10 year old Autistic son for Lymes and it's coinfections because he is dispalying symptoms of chronic lymes disease. Fevers daily for several hours, knee, ne...
Remedies: Syphilinum (Luesinum)
Started by Masonsmom. Last post: 2012-08-14Syphilinum 1M dosage 8
My daughter who is 4 years old is suffering from a very rare type of hereditary rickets. In this type of rickets calcium matabolism is seriouly disturbed. One of the homeo doctors...
Remedies: Syphilinum (Luesinum)
Started by Mrs_Sam. Last post: 2011-05-03Syphilinum 18
Theme - destruction...
Remedies: Syphilinum (Luesinum)
Started by saltOftheEarth. Last post: 2004-11-03
As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.
If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.