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Lathyrus Sativus

Chick-pea, Lathyr, Lathyrus Sativa, Lathyrus Sativas, Lathyrus, Lath.

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HPUS indication of Lathyrus Sativus: Weakness
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Lathyrus Sativus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Affects the lateral and anterior columns of the cord. Does not produce pain. Reflexes always increased. Paralytic affections of lower extremities; spastic paralysis; lateral sclerosis; Beriberi. Athetosis. Infantile paralysis. After influenza and wasting, exhaustive diseases where there is much weakness and heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Sleepy, constant yawning.


Third potency.

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Compare: Oxytrop.; Secale Cornutum Secale; Petiveria, a South American plant ( Paralysis; paraplegia with numbness. Sensation of internal coldness.) Agrostema githago - Corn-cockle - (Burning sensation in stomach, through oesophagus into throat, in lower abdomen and anus; nausea, bitter vomiting, impaired locomotion; difficulty in remaining erect; vertigo and Headache, burning from lower jaw to vertex).

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Depressed; hypochondriacal

Vertigo when standing with eyes closed.

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Burning pain in Tip of tongue; with tingling and numbness of tongue and lips, as if scalded.

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Increased bladder reflex

Frequent, must hurry, else voided involuntarily.

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Extremities, limbs

Tips of fingers numbs

Tremulous, tottering gait

Excessive rigidity of legs; spastic gait

Knees knock against each other when walking

Cramps in legs worse cold, and cold feet

Cannot extend or cross legs when sitting

Myelitis, with marked spastic symptoms

Rheumatic paralysis

Gluteal muscles and lower limbs emaciated

Legs blue; swollen, if hanging down

Stiffness and lameness of ankles and knees, toes do not leave the floor, heels do not touch floor

Muscles of calves very tense

Patient sits bent forward, straightens up with difficulty.

Crossing the legs impossible

Emaciated, extremely thin

lower limbs

hip; buttock muscles

Movements and positions

movement difficult; extension difficult; legs, impossible

loss of power of movement

trembling; lower limbs


lower limbs

lower limbs; damp weather

lower limbs; painless


leg, sensation of paralysis



lower limbs

cold damp weather


Problems with walking, gait; legs crossed, when walking

Weakness; foot

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Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold, wet weather

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