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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hay fever and allergies

My symptoms are, and they are only start from Aug to sept

1. running nose. watery
2. itcheness around the nostrils very minor. Not really abig problem.
3. eyelids normal.
4. I generally have this every year in (Aug, May,Sept)
5. Sneezing very hard. Sometimes continuosly 4-5 times.
6. get tired b'cos I sneeze so many times.
7. my nose become very sensitive to small

I have tried many Homeopathy and also Neat massage still noting help.
  Mike.L on 2007-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Camphor 6 three times ina day for 3 days and after that arsenic alb 6 three times ina day for a week and report me.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thanks, I try yesteday Al Cep 30 and first time since I am taking Homeopaty for allergies I feel little better with it.
Mike.L last decade
I 27yrs, suffering from the symptoms are:

sneezing and runny nose with tickling, itching in eyes (from when I was in 7th standard).

but i m suffering from itching in whole body, itchy scaly with dandruff., dryness on face with itching with small puberty and some other like mosquito bit, also with the first symptoms.

I went to the skin doctor he advise to test me of Total IgE. I attached a report.

at sneezing time I feel very hungry and want to sleep to cover my mouth.
at the time of eating food or meal i eat little meal and i feel my stomach is full and i feel vomit at the time of eating same.
I thing about my health and this itching problem every time.
I am taking Dr. reckweg R-23 and R-21 (for body itchy rashes like creepers/goose bump, and Arsenicum album-200 and allium cepa-200(for sneezing and runny nose and itching in eyes due to sneezing), and Kali sulp. (30) (for itchy scaly and dandruff.

Please cure me I pray.
[message edited by kumar86 on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 09:07:39 GMT]
kumar86 last decade
Please stop all homeopathic remedies. Please take a single dose of Carcinosin 200 and see how that affects in 15 days.
kadwa last decade
hello sir,
today i will take carcinosin 200, but how drops will be equal to single dose. and in one day how many time i take.

I want to ask you other disease in women it may be like as zoster on stomach color is brown with reddish, spreading, dry, and very itchy please suggest me for this disease. she take R-21, sulphur 200, R-23, pisorinum-30 but not any little relief. went to allopathy doctor he gave him some medicine with omega diet 369, she got relief but she dont want to take allopathy medicine. please suggest a file like her symptom i attached.

female 44 yrs.
wt 69 kg
[message edited by kumar86 on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:53:38 GMT]
[message edited by kumar86 on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:55:35 GMT]
[message edited by kumar86 on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 05:38:53 GMT]
kumar86 last decade
please sir suggest the another remedy for attached pic what may it be zoster or another...

I have purchased but i dont know what is its single dose is in liquid ?
kumar86 last decade
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Please provide complete details about the lady.

Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy will be suggested.

The answers should be given in a way that we are able to understand you as a person.
kadwa last decade
Age 44
wt 69

this symptom is/are on stomach and it may be other part but I dont know but I look like as attached pic. its very itchy.
She have tension in his mind. some time before she suffered from mind problem and she behaved like mental problem but now she almost fit but not proper doctor prescribed for oleanz 10. she take before sleep.
hunger- normal

please suggest..
kumar86 last decade
Please advice

I am suffering a lot of sneezing , runny nose, watery with itchy eyes, and a side nostril is blocked. as your prescriptions i stopped all but i had to take cetrizen tab. 3 times a day to stop sneezing from 2 days sat, sun, and today i took lcd 5 and zifi 200 mg to stop sneezing and eye itching but after taking allopathy i feel like sleepy. please before skin itching stop my (problem of much sneezing, nasal discharge, water and itchy eyes. and i think my younger bro. 14yr have come to contact and he is also suffering the same (problem of much sneezing, nasal discharge, water and itchy eyes)
age - 14, body slim like weakness, eat- little, thrust-little, sleep-very sleep, sneezing starts in morning with nasal discharge, and i have to give him citrizen to stop sneezing.
waiting for advice
kumar86 last decade
Please give a single dose of Sulphur 200 to the lady and see how that affects over 15 days. Only 1 dose in 15 days.

Please take Nux Vomica 200 in the evening for 7 days and report back how that affects.
kadwa last decade

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