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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hay fever allergies

hi there,
my husband is a 34yr old man who has been suffering from hayfever allergy since 2004... he is 167cm and 75kgs in weight and is also having hypertension and in the prediabetes stage as his fasting blood reads 130...

his hayfever allergy has developed into other allergies into food as well. he is allergic to many fruits and veg and pollens of course and rubber or latex.

when he gets a typical allergy his symptoms are quite severe:
1. he gets chest tightness
2. blocked nose and rash sometimes on the chest and neck.
3. bloated stomach.

he takes loratidine or clarityn 10mg a day and sometimes have to take nasal spray and a clenil inhaler and in worst cases if he is short of oxygen has to take salbutamol ventolin inhaler...

i also give him homepathic remedies like:
1. crateagus q 10 drops 2 times a day (somtimes i give a septenate mix for hypertension in 30 5 pillets 2 times).
2. adonis ver q 10 drops 2 times.
3. cactus g and ars alb mixed together in 30 potency 5 pills 2 times a day.
4. robinia and verat alb in 30 potencies as he suffers from acidity problems as well...
5. carbo veg 30, chelidonium q 6. i am giving him for the past 15 days arnica 30 in the wet dose form for his prediabetes...

apart from this i give him quercetin and vitamin c tabs and magnesium citrate as well.

i need help in finding out what i can give him when he gets severe allergy as he complains of itching inside his chest and he brings out a lot of phlegm.. it almost would be like he has developed a chest infection with cold and expectoration but its actually his allergies making him to expectorate..

i am worried in the future if he gets diabetic (as he is in the borderline) hypertensed as his bp reads at the moment 140 over 100 or develops COPD...

he doesnt smoke but is a casual drinker.... i need help in treating him...

  PISCEANK on 2012-08-21
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