The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Insomnia /Desperate for help
I am very worried about my mother. Her spouse of 40+ yrs dx w/ cancer several months ago and she thought she was handeling well. However, since May, she has begun to experience the following symptoms and I am afraid w/out help she may be on the verge of a breakdown:inability to sit still or sleep, urge to pace, awakened suddenly by sudden 'jolt' -as if a 'motor' was turned on inside body, loss of appetite, emotional/crying episodes. Extreme hyperactivity that is atypical for her. For example, washing the car, shopping, walking or watering flowers after being 'awakened' in middle of night after 2-4 hrs of sleep. Has taken herbs and homeopathic supp. many yrs-no RX's for over 30 yrs. Had a similiar type 'episode' 23 yrs ago following the birth of dtr at age 39. Blood work shows Serotonin and Norepinephrine very low. I am wondering if the spouses dx of cancer brought on depression that she 'stifled' -yet the anxiety and depression has caused frontal lobe activity that is not 'shutting off' even when able to sleep. Taking supplements to feed the adren. and aide in sleep is not helping at all--she is literally at jer wits end but we do not want to resort to in patient psychiatric care but help in treating a possible deficiency.
pollyanna on 2007-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for your detail please try the folloing medicine.
1. Agrimony (batch flower remedy) 2 drops thrice ina day
2. Eschscholtza californica Q 10 drops at night (if fail to get the result then make it to 20 drops)
This sure shot.
1. Agrimony (batch flower remedy) 2 drops thrice ina day
2. Eschscholtza californica Q 10 drops at night (if fail to get the result then make it to 20 drops)
This sure shot.
♡ deoshlok last decade
California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica
(Eschscholtzia californica)
Historically, the California poppy was used medicinally, as a sedative (it does not contain the alkaloids found in opium poppies), and to treat toothaches, headaches, and sores.
A tincture of California poppy can be used to treat nervousness and, with larger dosage, insomnia.
No Discernible Effect After Continued Use I've used California poppy two or three times a week for over a year. It seemed to help some at first, but that didn't last long. As a hard-core insomniac, I've tried combining it with other tinctures and taking large doses, but have finally given it up as useless FOR ME.
Another comment
I love California Poppy! California Poppy is so mild I use it for my children if they have a difficult time sleeping. If you think of insomnia and stress as edgy, California Poppy softens all the edges. It's great, I don't have chronic insomnia, so I can't speak to it's effectiveness in those situations. But, if you have occasional insomnia it is just fabulous. I never feel grougy the next day after taking it.
Looks to be a good find by Dr.Deoshlok.
Please give feedback after using it.
Eschscholzia californica
(Eschscholtzia californica)
Historically, the California poppy was used medicinally, as a sedative (it does not contain the alkaloids found in opium poppies), and to treat toothaches, headaches, and sores.
A tincture of California poppy can be used to treat nervousness and, with larger dosage, insomnia.
No Discernible Effect After Continued Use I've used California poppy two or three times a week for over a year. It seemed to help some at first, but that didn't last long. As a hard-core insomniac, I've tried combining it with other tinctures and taking large doses, but have finally given it up as useless FOR ME.
Another comment
I love California Poppy! California Poppy is so mild I use it for my children if they have a difficult time sleeping. If you think of insomnia and stress as edgy, California Poppy softens all the edges. It's great, I don't have chronic insomnia, so I can't speak to it's effectiveness in those situations. But, if you have occasional insomnia it is just fabulous. I never feel grougy the next day after taking it.
Looks to be a good find by Dr.Deoshlok.
Please give feedback after using it.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
hoonnnnn (ignatia) .........
faisal qureshi last decade
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