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Hair Loss



Posts about Hair Loss

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss:-young people

Hello iam lecturer at engg college age 26 , i am suffering from hair loss in middle of my head , as low growth region , i consulted on doctor he gave me arnica hair oil to use , is there an y medicine also or any other options which i can try.
  dikty on 2007-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most of the hair loss problems are due to genetical errors.

It is difficult to correct these through medicines, and not advisable too, as those medicines may bring in unnecessarycomplications in other areas.

Hair transplant has become common now, and is becomng affordable. Try it out.

It is safe to use Arnica oil, though the results are doubtful.

gavinimurthy last decade
selenium 200c twice daily for 15 days
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Mohla

This is from Kent.


Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, after sexual excesses, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in summer.

Generalities: Great fatigue from which he seems unable to recuperate from rest.

Slight exertion brings great fatigue and weakness and especially in hot weather. Sudden weakness in hot weather. Great weakness in the back, almost paralytic after typhoid fever or other temporary diseases. Extremely sensitive to a draft of air, cool, warm or damp. Marked general emaciation, also special emaciation of face, thighs and hands.

The diseased limb withers. The hair falls out all over the body, head, eyebrows, whiskers and genitals. All his nervous symptoms are aggravated after coition. Pulsation in all the limbs and in the abdomen after eating.


Selenium is good for hairloss if it is an AFTER EFFECT of any debilitating disease.

It won't help those, who loose hair due to genetical factors.

The patient must have the 'picture' of selenium for selenium to work.

gavinimurthy last decade
thanks j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
thanks Mr Mohla
dikty last decade
thanks can u please let me know how much drop in one dose to be taken.
dikty last decade

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