The ABC Homeopathy Forum
srisri on 2007-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Mahfooz & Dr Rishimba, Thank you very much.
I have the following advises/ recos. How to reconcile. Please help.
A) Arnica one dose a week for 6 weeks and Calc Phos 6X daily.
B) Calc Carb.
C) Bell 200 - daily doses for 3 days
D) Lyco 30 and Nux Vom 30 daily for 30 days.
E) Calc fluor 30X daily
I have the following advises/ recos. How to reconcile. Please help.
A) Arnica one dose a week for 6 weeks and Calc Phos 6X daily.
B) Calc Carb.
C) Bell 200 - daily doses for 3 days
D) Lyco 30 and Nux Vom 30 daily for 30 days.
E) Calc fluor 30X daily
srisri last decade
You have to take that decision as to whose advice you want to follow.
You can take an informed decision,perhaps by reading the past threads of the prescribers (by clicking on their name) and observing how succusful they are in general.
To your consternation you may find that most of the threads end abruptly, with no conclusion possible.
It is because most of the seekers never bother to give feed back.
You can take an informed decision,perhaps by reading the past threads of the prescribers (by clicking on their name) and observing how succusful they are in general.
To your consternation you may find that most of the threads end abruptly, with no conclusion possible.
It is because most of the seekers never bother to give feed back.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
This is the case of a premature girl born at gest age of 29 weeks. She is 2 months young now.
She spits up after feed. Doctor advised mixing baby cereal in the formula or thickening milk. This changed her stool cycle. More importantly we noticed left sided inguinal reducible hernia. Specialists want to perform surgery. We are buying time and trying homeopathy.
So far we are giving her Calc Fluor 6x in ht morn and Calc Phos 6X in the eve.
Gave a few doses of Nux Vom 30 and one dose of Lyco 30.
She also got a dose of Arnica 30.
No 2 remedies are given on the same day.
We are finding that the bulge is appearing less and less now.
Want to hear from the learned doctors/ experts here what to do going forward...
Thanks in advance.
She spits up after feed. Doctor advised mixing baby cereal in the formula or thickening milk. This changed her stool cycle. More importantly we noticed left sided inguinal reducible hernia. Specialists want to perform surgery. We are buying time and trying homeopathy.
So far we are giving her Calc Fluor 6x in ht morn and Calc Phos 6X in the eve.
Gave a few doses of Nux Vom 30 and one dose of Lyco 30.
She also got a dose of Arnica 30.
No 2 remedies are given on the same day.
We are finding that the bulge is appearing less and less now.
Want to hear from the learned doctors/ experts here what to do going forward...
Thanks in advance.
srisri last decade
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