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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss and turning white

hi.ihad posted my problem before.iam 31 yrs old and masterbating from early age.i have urine problems and specially problem of looking aged then my real age.im am using staphisegeria for last 6 mnths and iam feeling it is working on my mind and thoughts.but iam concern about my hairloss and specially whitening of hairs on head and in beard.someone told me to use acid phos but i remmember that acid phos is not for people who are sexually active and has high desires.can some one guide me in this regard.what will be right medicine for me for my hairs and overall appearence.please help me.i hate myself when i see myself in mirror.i know it sounds mentally sick but i remind that st seg is helping me in many ways besides the problem i wrote.iwant to stop my whitening of hairs and if possible in long term turn them into black.
  yahya on 2007-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
flouric acid 200c one dose daily for 7 days and then twice a week for one month
akshaymohl last decade
Before going to start any medicine pls take one dose of Psoriunm 200 only....
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
thanks for reply.i want to ask that ca i use st.seg alog with this medicine or i better leave it for time being.
m.yahya last decade

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