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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

asthma - 7 y.o.

My son has asthma since 6 months old. He's easily triggered by environmental allergies. He coughs whenever he's at school or at the gym. It was worse in the past when he could not go to the mall or the library. He was treated with NAET but we've seem to hit a wall. We also went to a homeopath for 1.5 years with no improvement at all. I'm hoping someone might be able to offer some advice.

He has lots of food allergies: gluten, dairy, corn, pepper, oily foods (eg. pork)

Fully Vaccinated till 5 y.o.

Had severe eczema from head to toe since 3 months. Chinese herbs cleared most of it at 1 y.o. Now, eczema patches on limbs.

Asthma type: coughing continuously and wheezing. Wet cough.

Worse when : cold weather, oily foods, at places like school/gym (environmental trigger), eat the offending foods

Better when : warm weather

He doesn't like to drink or sleep. Has to be reminded to do both.

If asthma left untreated with inhalers, he would cough / wheeze till he doubles over and has to lie down.

He's slim. Short for his age.

Other : Grinds teeth in his sleep. Has speech delay. Doesn't know how to convey his thoughts through words. Loves to draw. Nosebleeds usu. comes on during sleep or when he coughs a lot (inhalers do not work on the first 2 days of a cold).
  dragonsaur on 2008-03-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try the following medicine

1. Morgan Bach 1M weekly one dose i.e. every sunday morning.
2. Hepar sulph 30 4-6 pills three times in a day for at least 3 month (except sunday)

continue the above medicine and report me monthly about improvement..

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I have placed an order for Morgan Bach and it won't arrive in a few weeks. What do I do if there is aggravation?

Why did you choose Morgan Bach and Hep Sulp? None of the previous homeopaths we saw mentioned these two remedies.
dragonsaur last decade
I warn you against this prescription.

Single potency continued for 3 months is against all principles of homeopathy and so is giving 2 medicines simultaneously.

sameervermani last decade
Can anyone comment / reassure me of the remedy suggestions above? My son gets daily attacks from environmental allergies at school and is dependent on inhalers. I am afraid of aggravation because his condition can turn bad very quickly and at the worst, his inhalers would not provide much relief.
dragonsaur last decade
Or make different suggestions? I am trying Hep Sulphur 30c but I've not noticed any improvements. He continues to have his daily attacks from school.
dragonsaur last decade
Please give him 3 doses of Mercurius 30C equally spaced on a single day.

No eating/drinking for 1 hr on either side of the dose.

Then report status in 1 week after the 3 doses.
sameervermani last decade
just to clarify, this is

mercurius solubilis
sameervermani last decade
Sameervermani, Do you have any advice during acute attacks? If not, I'll just keep using his inhalers. Thank you for your suggestion. I'll give that a try.
dragonsaur last decade
He will not need inhalers once the right medicine works.

This is a chronic disease and needs to be treated the constitutional/miasmatic way.

sameervermani last decade
Also want to add: he always kicks off the blanket at night even on cold weather. He sweats in his sleep ... you'll notice it on the head - drenching sweat. He always has to be reminded to wear a jacket even on windy and cold days. He complains that he's warm but if he doesn't wear the jacket, he'll definitely start to cough from the cold wind / weather.
dragonsaur last decade
Just to clarify , you said he has nose bleeds during sleep and while coughing, right ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes, he would wake up with a nosebleed in the middle of the night or in the morning. During bad coughing episodes (due to illness or allergies), he'd get a nosebleed suddenly.

Sometimes, he'll be coughing and wheezing and when I look into his nostrils, I see blood clots. In these instances, I don't know if the nosebleeds are caused by coughing or the other way round.

I hope I'm not confusing you.
dragonsaur last decade
And he always wake up with a stuffy nose. That's why I look into his nostrils - to rule out blood clots, booger or the nose just ... er .. close up (inflammation?), for the lack of better word. Usually it's the last one.
dragonsaur last decade
Okay, then, go ahead with the above prescription.

sameervermani last decade
Sameer: Pl consider Calcarea Carb also.
srisri last decade
Which remedy would you advice? By the way, thank you for taking the time and effort to help us. Really, really appreciate it.
dragonsaur last decade
Thanks Sri, actually I did consider it but nosebleeds during sleep and coughing are very strongly pointing to Merc.

However, I will keep Calc. in my mind.

This is from kent repertory

EPISTAXIS, sleep, during


sleep, during : Bov., bry., crot-c., graph., Merc., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., puls., sulph., verat.

EPISTAXIS,cough, with : Acon., arn., bell., bry., carb-an., carb-v., cina., cupr., Dros., dulc., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., hyos., indg., iod., ip., kali-bi., kreos., led., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., puls., rhus-t., sabad., sep., sil., spong., sul-ac., sulph.

TEETH GRINDING :sleep, during : Acon., agar., ant-c., Ars., asaf., Bell., bry., calc., Cann-i., caust., Cina., coff., colch., con., crot-h., hell., hyos., ign., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., lac-d., merc., mygal., nat-p., plan., plb., podo., psor., sant., sep., stram., thuj., Tub., verat., zinc.

The only common medicine here is Merc. :)

sameervermani last decade
The homeopath that we saw prescribed calc-c 200c a long time ago but it didn't work. He also prescribed merc-v. I will try merc-sol. Will have to check the store tomorrow if they have it else I will have to order it.
dragonsaur last decade
We saw 2 different homeopaths here. We were prescribed many different high potency remedies because my son could not get relief from 30C potencies during acute attacks. His asthma has not improved since then although it's pattern has changed slightly. He used to get dry coughs but now it's wet and if not intervened quickly enough, he would double over. My question is : do you think all those remedies were palliating?
dragonsaur last decade
Hmm.. then, if you can, I would like a list of remedies prescribed in the chronological order with dosage and potency.

At times, something needs to be anti-doted.

sameervermani last decade
Emailed to you.
dragonsaur last decade
Oops. And nosebleeds on hot weather. I forgot about that because it's been cold recently.
dragonsaur last decade
My goodness me !!!

He has been fed some remedies...

So many remedies... and still he cant hit the simillimum..what kind of a 'homeopath' is he.

anyways, When was the last remedy given ?
sameervermani last decade
Private email lest he lurks.

I think the last remedy was given towards the end of 2006.
dragonsaur last decade
Okay , so once it is 1 week from the last Hep-s dose you gave, follow the Merc-sol prescription for 1 day, and then report back changes a week after that.

sameervermani last decade

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