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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss including on arms and public area

I'm suffering from hair loss for last 8 years. My hair on head are very thin, baldness on forehead. I get itching on the scalp and also hair are getting grey.
I've noticed that as I'm wearing Iron Bangle on the right hand. The arm area where bangle moves. There also I've lost hair. Also the pubic hair are very thin.
I also have brittle nails (1 or 2 fingers in random) whose texture becomes rough and after a month or two becomes normal.

My personal details are as following:
1. Age 27
2. Male
3. Height 5' 6'.
4. Weight 73 Kg.
5. Only veg. food.
6. No Smoking or alcohol.
7. Tea/Coffee maximum twice a day.
8. Prefer more salty snacks than sweets.

I'm allergic to Hay dust and currently taking Nux Vomica for the same.

Please some experienced doctor advice me some medicine for that. Because I've been through many allopathic and hair oils but nothing worked.
  sumindervirdi on 2008-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
flouric acid 30c thrice daily for 7 days then twice daily for 7 days then one dose daily for 7 daus j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Thanks for reply Dr.J K Mohla.

Do I need to take the recommended medicine only for said period or I need to consult there after. Also what about the regrowth of the hair?
Someone locally has recommended me Silicea 12X thrice a day. Should I stop that in the mean time or can take that as well along with Flouric Acid 30c.
sumindervirdi last decade
I've received the Fluoric Acid 30C medicine. Its small granules. How many should I take in one dose.

Also, please answer my previous question.
rash0581 last decade
I've received the Fluoric Acid 30C medicine. Its small granules. How many should I take in one dose.

Also, please answer my previous question.

rash0581 last decade

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